

缺口測量是金融機構計算內部收益率的傳統方法之一。這是通過考慮金融機構的利率敏感資產和利率敏感負債之間的差異來計算的。在對利率更敏感的資產的情況下,金融機構被認為持有“正價差”頭寸。如果與利率敏感資產相比,利率敏感負債更多,則會形成負差額。在利率上升的情況下,負差額的機構將面臨凈利息收入下降的後果。這是因為,與被重新定價的資產相比,對利率敏感的負債被發現以不斷上升的速度重新定價。這必然會對凈息差造成壓力,導致重新定價資產的利息費用增加。利息費用的增加將來自於重新定價的負債,而不是來自重新定價資產的利息收入的增加(Beets, 2004)。




Gap measurements are one of the conventional methods of calculating the IRR by the financial institutions. These are calculating by considering the variance between the rate-sensitive assets of the financial institutions and rate-sensitive liabilities by considering the time periods or the maturity. In the cases of more rate-sensitive assets, the financial institution is considered to have a “positive gap” position. In case where there are more rate-sensitive liabilities when compared with the rate-sensitive assets, then a negative gap is formed. In the cases of a rising interest rate system, the institutions with the negative gap would face the ramifications of the lower net interest income. This is owing to the fact that the rate sensitive liabilities are found to be repriced at rising rate when compared with the asset that is repriced. This would invariably lead to the pressure to the net interest margin causing an increase in the interest expense form the assets being repriced. The increase in interest expense would arise from re-priced liabilities will be higher than the increase in the interest income derived from the repriced asset (Beets, 2004).


In many cases, there are many advantages to this method. However, there are some limitations to this method that causes the people to look for other methods. Resource allocations of time and the expenses incurred for the companies would be a problem. The cost of the system is found to be a large number of financial measures and non-financial metrics that can be greater with the benefits. The development of a system can be impacted in this process. A number of diverse performance measures are difficult to evaluate the performance of the system. The short-term implications and the long-term implications can be misconstrued in this system. The accounting measurements are found to be non-financial data having no common factors. The evaluation of the performances and the trade-offs is found to be difficult. They are various with the time. It allows subjective measurement of the performances. This leads to subjective interpretation of the results. A lack in the explicit model between the intangibles can make it difficult for accurate measurements. There is also the issue of implementation and measurement that needs to be construed in this paradigm.
