


评价和测量被认为是当今时代交流专业人员面临的最大挑战。评估活动在沟通、学习或获得业务支持方面的价值和影响是评估的最大优势。传播的活动是通过各种活动和项目建立起来的,这些活动进一步使评价的适应成为必要(Paul et al., 2010)。传播运动的主要目的是改变个人行为或动员公众的态度。

这进一步支持决策者改变政策或感知公众利益(Austin和Pinkleton, 2015)。视觉上代表最终影响、结果、预期产出和沟通活动的路径,这对确定评估至关重要。大多数评价集中于测量通信的性能以获得关键的反馈(Wakefield et al., 2010)。虽然评估并不总是关注于沟通的变化,但它将评估沟通活动的总体质量和假设。


Evaluation and measurement are identified as the biggest challenges faced by professionals of communication in the current era. Assessing the value and impact of activities in communication, learning or gaining business support for performing better is the biggest advantage of evaluations. The activities of communication are established across campaigns and programs that further necessitate the adaptation of evaluation (Paul et al., 2010). The key purpose of communication campaigns is changing individual behaviours or attitudes for mobilizing the public.

This further supports decision makers in changing policies or perceiving the interests of public (Austin and Pinkleton, 2015). Visually representing the pathway among final impact, outcomes, intended outputs and communication activities, which are crucial to pin point the evaluation. Most evaluations focus upon measuring the performance of communication to obtain crucial feedback (Wakefield et al., 2010). Though the evaluation will not focus on communication change always, it will be assessing overall quality and assumptions of communication activities.