


In order to attain the aims of this research, the hypothetic-deductive method will be followed. The hypothetic-deductive method is a scientific method of formulating a hypothesis in order to deduce observable consequences in the future (prediction). It also deals with the past in order to determine its validity. It is the basis of the experimental approach, in particular theorized by Roger Bacon. The issue of testing a hypothesis refers specifically to the problem of induction, the heart of the empiricist philosophy of science. Induction often leads to improper reduction of the scientific process. It is completely simplistic to believe that science could be determined simply by applying this method. In logic, the deduction shall design the means which are not more important than the end (conclusion), as opposed to the inductive logic of forming general representations from particular facts. The deduction is a principle of logic developed by Aristotle, among others. Other logical theories define deductive reasoning as an inference whose conclusion is as certain as the premises, while in inductive reasoning the conclusion may be less certain than the premises. In both approaches, the conclusion of a deductive inference from the premises cannot be true if the conclusion is false. The premises of an inductive reasoning can maintain the same relationship with the conclusion. The induction is historically the name used to mean a kind of thinking that seeks to find general laws from the observation of particular facts, based on a probabilistic approach. The original idea of the conception of induction was that, the repetition of a phenomenon increases the likelihood of seeing it again. The accumulation of corroborating evidence and no cons-examples can then increase the level of plausibility until simplicity is considered as a virtual certainty. Inductive approach needs a firm mathematical basis and is used to calculate the probabilities.

