爱尔兰代写 虚拟世界

by | 18-Mar-2013 | 英国留学常识


The Second Life is a major instance of a computer stimulated environment or a virtual world. In second life users perform in a stimulated world through graphical representations of humans called avatars. The term avatar is derived from a Sanskrit word used to describe the god’s presence on earth (Holzwarth, Janiszewki and Neumann, 2006). In several religions it is believed that a human does not have the capability to perceive a god directly and survive. When a human interacts with god it is not with the god itself but rather with a likeness that is representative of the actual god. The avatar in the virtual world follows a relative model. The individuals are not interacting in a physical space but their agents interact in the virtual world. The social response theory denotes that people will treat computers as social actors even when they know that they are dealing with machines that does not has feelings or human encouragements (Moon, 2000). In virtual world technology present advances can smear the line between non-human and human interaction (Nowak and Biocca, 2003). In the cyberspace as people respond socially to machine generated actions the line blurring between the virtual and real worlds may describe how the virtual worlds have become capable markets for social interaction.

The phenomenon of virtual world is independent of the geographical arrangement of its residents. For participation in the virtual world the only needs seems to be a computer with the required broadband connection, hardware and a reasonable grasp of the English Language. Unlike the demographics of video games, Second life is based mostly on equality of gender with females consisting 42% of the residents (Seryte and Storgaard, 2007). Second Life is also an online community that denotes virtual reality form. It is the simulation of real world space with physics law that are flexible, graphical modeling of 3D objects and spaces, time passage and interaction with other users within the space. It is not a game in that there is no particular aim and no rules of play, there are only conduct rules. Unlike most other virtual spaces, most of what you would view while exploring second life has been built by the users not by the corporation that supports the program. This means that it is not only a simulation itself, but it supports users in building their own simulations and so is clearly a component.



虚拟世界的现象是独立于其居民的地理布局。在虚拟世界中唯一需要参与似乎是与所需的宽带连接的电脑,硬件和英语语言的一个合理的把握。不同于视频游戏的人口统计数据,第二人生是主要基于女性组成42%的居民性别平等(2007 seryte和storgaard,)。第二人生是一个在线社区,为虚拟现实形式。它与物理规律,灵活的现实世界空间的模拟,三维物体和空间的图形化建模,时间的流逝和互动与其他用户的空间内。这不是一个游戏,没有特别的目的,没有游戏规则,只有行为规则。不像大多数其他的虚拟空间,你最会观,探索第二人生已由用户建立的程序不支持的公司。这意味着,它不仅是一个模拟本身,但它支持用户在构建自己的模拟,显然是一个组成部分。
