

世界带来你自己的设备不断增加,重要的是组织要了解,他们需要进行一个完整的分析,他们的安全网络系统,以了解和删除任何或所有漏洞的循环(脆弱的潜在)。会计数据是无处不在,在公司服务器及相关网络,从今以后,当员工携带自己的设备来组织任何漏洞存在于公司的安全系统,会计信息是基于将导致公司严重安全问题损失(van der Stede,2010)。有会计信息系统的各种不利影响时,BYOD是没有适当的考虑。雇主需要担心的是,自己在做什么的员工在他们的私人时间在午餐休息或喝茶等游戏骑病毒测距在公司会计信息可能被备份下载都是由员工违反安全和会计信息系统产生负面影响的方式。此外,这种关系的关注是直接与会计信息系统存在于云的任何数据是从公司的机密报告,甚至不能确定。
因此,暴露水平往往会产生一个关注和高风险。在一个公司里的员工使用BYOD会计信息在云的结合,不仅是一个危险的情况,但会严重损害其员工在前一个公司的声誉。然而,有几个软件的帮助使组织如移动铁其中用户设备是完全一致的时间内跟踪和监测BYOD的安全使用。除了监控技术,也成为最重要的教育问题,BYOD可以带来什么严格的行动可以违约意味着。这将帮助员工在遵守公司的政策和立法进行判断(van der Stede,2010)。


The world of Bring your own device is ever increasing and it is important for organizations to understand that they require conducting a complete analysis of their security network system in order to understand and remove any or all the holes in loops (vulnerable potentially). Accounting data is present everywhere on the company servers and its associated networks, henceforth when employees bring their own devices to organizations any loop hole present in the company’s security system where accounting information is based will lead towards loss for the company and severe security issues (Van der stede, 2010). There are various disadvantaged implications for accounting information systems when BYOD is followed without proper considerations. What employers need to be worried about is that what employees are doing in their private time either on a lunch break or tea break etc. By possible download of games ridden by virus ranging to accounting information of the company being backed up are all the ways by which employees can breach security and negatively impact the accounting information system. Furthermore, the relationship of this concern is directly with the accounting information system being present over the cloud from where whatever data is taken from the confidential reports of companies cannot even be identified.
The exposure level therefore tends to create a concern and high risk. The combination of accounting information over cloud in a company where employees use BYOD, is not only a dangerous situation but can severely damage the reputation of a company in front of its employees. There are several software’s however that help making the use of BYOD safe within the organizations such as Mobile Iron wherein user devices are completely tracked and monitored at consistent duration. Apart from monitoring technically, it also becomes important to first educate the problems that BYOD can bring and what strict actions can such a breach imply. This will help the employees to make judgment with respect to complying with the policies and legislations of a company (Van der stede, 2010).
