


在线虫中,在精子定向细胞质安排的授精阶段,对AP不对称进行鉴定。该过程分离了关键因素,如P颗粒从未裂解的胚胎。在其他线虫物种中发现了AP不对称:细胞质的运动不能被发现,P颗粒有不同的分离,而AP不对称是由精子指定的。尽管存在这些差异,从两个细胞到两个物种的发展几乎是相似的(Goldstein, Frisse & Thomas, 1998)。



In Caenorhabditis Elegans, the identification of AP asymmetry is done at the fertilization stage in which the sperm directs the cytoplasmic arrangements. The process separates the key factors such as the P granules from the uncleaved embryo. It has been found that the AP asymmetry is produced in the other nematode species: the movements of cytoplasm cannot be found, P granules are differently segregated, and AP asymmetry is specified by the sperm. Despite of these differences, the development from two cells to two species is almost similar (Goldstein, Frisse & Thomas, 1998).

The evolutionary history has been reconstructed by determining and evaluating the growth of thirty nematode species and analyzing the outcomes by the molecular phylogeny of nematodes. The result shows that a new method for the axis specification has been developed which is related to C. elegans. The C. elegans eggs’ elongated axis describes the anterior-posterior axis of the body of the nematode.