




When I heard Ivan’s story, selfish as it might sound, I was thankful for my childhood. People with privileges often do not realize the benefits of having such a privilege. It is rare for people to miss what they have. In the case of Ivan, he has lost some important learning in his childhood. School and upbringing in extended social environments matter, but it is equally true that people had to get an understanding of their roots directly from parents and social environment in family circles. In hearing Ivan’s story, I was able to connect with how such a loss would have felt. It struck me that not everybody would have appreciated their loss like Ivan.

Everybody would not have been able to collectively gather their thoughts on their subject, and connect some of the trauma situation that they felt directly to their loss in early childhood. In fact, as research studies on the stolen generation show, the loss of connections in early childhood need not manifest itself as perceivable trauma. Only in some situations it can show up as trauma which someone can connect to their being forcibly removed. In some other situations, the manifestations could be barely perceivable by outsiders and yet its effect could have had as much a trauma on the person. Some of these impacts that I understood from Ivan’s presentations are as follows.
