

供求规律以及它们之间的关系被认为是一个经济体中的支配因素,因为人们和他们对商品的需求以及商品供应商的这种理解是驱动市场经济的因素(Alexander et al。,2003; Dosi等,1988)。在保持供需平衡的情况下,可以说市场经济是稳定的。例如,考虑市场经济中的供应方面,即考虑劳动力成本。劳动力和成本被认为是一个国家微观经济学的一部分。如果工资上涨,商品和服务的供应就会减少(Canto et al。,2014; Anyanwu,1993)。因此,员工的工资将导致生产商品数量的直接减少。工资也将导致对货物的需求。

现在供应端方程提出的一个问题是,没有单独的方程来说明需求是如何满足的(Beatie等,1985; Bailey&Bailey,1995)。需求被认为是商品和服务的消费,但是需求是如何形成的,或者贸易或交换中的需求是如何被满足的,并没有被阐明。然而,供给端方程也足以理解经济中需求是如何产生的。随着工人工资的增加以及生产和供应数量的减少,需求量增加,因为国家或市场经济实体的工人现在有剩余的花费。他们在这里创造了消费者结束的等式。因此,为了增加产品的数量,供应端可能倾向于降低员工的工资。然而,这导致了需求方面也有所减少的情况(Canto等,2014; Anyanwu,1993)。


The laws of supply and demand and the relationship between them is considered as the move governing ones in an economy because people and their demand for goods and this understanding by the suppliers of goods is what drives the market economy (Alexander et al., 2003; Dosi et al., 1988). Where the supply and demand equilibrium is maintained, it could be said that the market economy is stable. For instance, consider the supply side in the market economy, where the cost of labor is considered. Labor and costs are considered as part of the microeconomics of a country. Where the wages for work rises, the supply of goods and services will be reduced (Canto et al., 2014; Anyanwu, 1993). Wages of the employee will hence lead to a direct reduction in quantity of goods produced. The wages will also lead to the demand for goods.

Now a problem raised with the supply end equation is that there is no separate equation to present how demand is met (Beatie et al., 1985; Bailey & Bailey, 1995). Demand is considered as the consumption of goods and services, but how exactly the demand is crated or how the demand is met in trade or in exchange is not elucidated. However, the supply end equations are also enough to understand how demand is created in an economy. As the wages of the workers increases and as the quantity manufactured and supplied is reduced, the demand increases because the workers who are entities of the state or market economy now have surplus to spend. They create the consumer end of the equation here. Therefore, to increase the number of products, the supply end might tend to reduce the wages to the employees. However, this has resulted in the situation where the demand side also gets reduced (Canto et al., 2014; Anyanwu, 1993).
