assignment代写:电影 《冰血暴》剧情简介

assignment代写:电影 《冰血暴》剧情简介

从历史上看,《冰血暴》一直被认为是一部非常引人注目的谋杀小说,故事发生在美国中西部寒冷的冬天。科恩兄弟的电影《冰血暴》根据真实事件改编,讲述了一个来自明尼阿波利斯的汽车销售员杰瑞·伦德加德(Jerry Lundegaard)的故事。他雇佣了两个名叫卡尔·肖沃尔特和盖尔·格里姆斯鲁德的低生活水平的人,他们帮助绑架了他的妻子吉恩,并勒索她的赎金,以换取他们富有的岳父韦德·古斯塔夫森的钱财。当其中一名绑匪试图在一次例行的交通拦截中杀死一名州警时,这个阴谋就展开了。当卡尔和盖尔身后留下更多的尸体时,布雷纳德警方指派一名怀孕的当地警官玛姬·甘德森局长调查此案。在明尼阿波利斯,甘德森遇到了老同学迈克·亚纳吉塔。Yanagita告诉Gunderson他的妻子死了,现在他完全是一个人(Campbell et al, 2013)。在另一系列事件中,伦德加德告诉古斯塔夫森和他的会计斯坦·格罗斯曼,绑架者要求100万美元,他们只会与伦德加德打交道。在所有这些意想不到的事件之后,肖沃尔特和另外三起谋杀案一起,声称伦德加德必须在未来24小时内向伦德加德交出全部赎金,偿还他们的贷款,并面临进一步的法律后果。


Historically, Fargo has been recognized as a highly prominent story of murder that has been set out in the winter of the bleak Upper Midwest in USA. Based specifically on actual events, the Coen Brothers film Fargo portrays the story of a car salesman from Minneapolis named Jerry Lundegaard. He hires two low-lifes named Carl Showalter and Gaear Grimsrud and they help to kidnap his wife Jean and ransom her for obtaining money from their rich father-in-law, Wade Gustafson. The scheme unfolds when one of the kidnappers tries to kill a state trooper in a routine traffic stop. When Carl and Gaear leave more bodies in their wake, a pregnant local police officer named chief Marge Gunderson is assigned for investigating the case by Brainerd Police. While she is in Minneapolis, Gunderson meets with an old classmate Mike Yanagita. Yanagita tells Gunderson that his wife is died and now he is totally alone (Campbell et al, 2013). In the other chain of events, Lundegaard informs Gustafson as well as his accountant, Stan Grossman that an amount of $1 million has been demanded by kidnappers and they would only deal with Lundegaard. In the wake of all these unexpected events, Showalter along with three other murders, states that Lundegaard has to hand over the total ransom amount in the next 24 hours to Lundegaard and for repaying their loan along with facing further legal repercussions.
When the time arrives for dropping the amount, Gustafson makes a decision for dealing with all the kidnappers by his own way. There is a tussle between Gustafson and Showalter at the parking garage. Gustafson denies to handover the briefcase filled with cash to Showalter until and unless his daughter can be returned to him. Gustafson is killed by Showalter and he tries to fly away with the cash filled briefcase (Lewis, 2002). However, he is than shot in the jaw by Gustafson. Lundegaard then reaches at the scene and discovers the body of Gustafson’s and pulls it up to keep it in the car’s trunk. When Showalter reaches the hideout, he discovers the murder of Lundegaard’s wife by Grimsrud. After a violent dispute, Showlater is killed by Grimsrud.

assignment代写 :电影 《冰血暴》剧情简介

当甘德森和一个共同的朋友通电话时,一个有趣的转折被揭示出来。她得知柳下所谓的“亡妻”从来都不是他的妻子,这也是假的。据透露,Yanagita是一系列匿名骚扰背后的核心执行者。Gunderson分析了Yanagita的谎言和背叛,进一步调查了Lundegaard关于他拥有的车(Davis, 2015)。然而,伦德加德拒绝配合,逃跑了。回到布雷纳德后,甘德森驱车前往麋鹿湖,她通过死者的描述认出了这辆车的主要主人。她发现格里姆斯鲁德一直在把肖沃尔特的尸体放进一个木头削片机里。格里姆斯鲁德试图逃跑。然而,他的腿被甘德森击中,也被逮捕。在高潮中,伦德加德被北达科他州警方在俾斯麦城外的一家汽车旅馆跟踪并逮捕。

An interesting twist is revealed when Gunderson is on a phone conversation with a mutual friend. She learns that the so called “dead wife” of Yanagita was never his wife and it is also false. It is also revealed that Yanagita is the core executor behind a chain of harassments that have been anonymously made. Analyzing the lies and treachery of Yanagita, Gunderson investigates Lundegaard further about the car that he owns (Davis, 2015). However, Lundegaard refuses to coordinate and flees away. Upon her return to Brainerd, Gunderson drives forward to Moose Lake and she recognizes the main ownership of the car through the dead trooper’s description. She has found out that Grimsrud has been feeding the body of Showalter into a wood chipper. Grimsrud tries to escape. However, he is shot in the leg by Gunderson and is also arrested. In the climax, Lundegaard is tracked and arrested by North Dakota police in a motel outside of Bismarck.
