

本篇文章的主要内容是移民协议对本土劳动力的影响,这些都是重大的差别,在大规模工业中的积极优势是它们遵守劳工政策,并迫切要求不断提高所有工人的工作水平,不论他们是本地人还是移民。从长期来看,关于劳动力工资、技能和整体发展的平等,移民涌入带来了积极的一面,并不意味着对本土劳动者产生负面影响。本篇毕业论文代写文章由英国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

These are major differences and the positive advantage in large scale industries is their adherence to labour policies and their urge to provide consistent uplifting to all labours irrespective of their being of native or immigrant status. Long term view about equalising the labour wages, skills, and overall development places the immigrant influx on the positive side and does not suggest a negative impact on the native labourers.
Dustmann, Fabbri & Preston(2005) have researched about the impacts of immigration on the UK market and have concluded that there is no evidence of major negative impacts of immigration on the native labours in the UK, but have found a vague evidence of such impacts in different educational groups. This disproves the fact and contention of many research that the immigrants tends to reduce the native labour wage, and impact their livelihood seriously, because the factors of influence are multiple, changing, developing, and cannot be taken as standard and universal.
Hanson (2009) sees it differently when he analyses the case of Mexico and the US, such that is low skilled lab ours will be freely allowed to migrate to the US, the migration will end up equalising the wages of labours of the two countries. This will have an impact on both countries, where the wage of low skilled labours will rise in Mexico and drop in the US. There is a constant influx of labours of all qualities between the US and Mexico and the governing policy plays an important role in balancing the demand and supply mismatch to enable equilibrium employment between the two.
The above chart shows that the average agreement of perception of the negative impacts of immigration on the wages of native labourers is being agreed by almost 50% of the low educated population, whereas the highly educated 20% of the population believes that there is no impact of lowering wages due to immigration. There is however some kind of impact because the number of labourers increase in a market and the wages will remain stable or decrease leading to the individual differences of skill sets which then becomes a major differentiating factor.
