


比起公司的未來,我們更需要關註公司的現狀。每天的結果都必須在工作場所得到體現。此外,討人喜歡將有助於在工作中扮演領導者的角色。用幾句話來說明成功的領導者是如何使他們的工作卓有成效的並不難。但是梳理出決定他們成功的因素要困難得多(Hersey, 2001)。通常的方法是對每一個工人的職能給予充分的認識,使他能夠預見到自己在集團企業的經營中某些主要利益或動機的滿足。


因此,領導包括管理、協調和監督,對人負責;指導、組織和激勵他們(Abbasialiya, 2010)。一個好的領導者會根據不同的情況使用不同的領導風格,而壞的領導者則傾向於只使用一種風格。也是一個好的和有效的領導,需要許多其他因素,如能以正確的方式直接和激勵他人,把整個負責一個團隊的行為和方向,為公司設定目標和目標,不斷保持組織和激勵員工,作為一個領導者占據主動去面對任何挑戰和堅持當事情不出我們想要的方式工作,以更積極的方式失敗和挫折,為所犯的任何錯誤或錯誤的決定承擔責任,並且要非常靈活,以便根據組織不斷變化的情況來適應目標。


大學assignment :領導的技能和素質

As a leader, one of the most critical lessons to be learnt is that it is very important to earn respect in your workplace. It is believed that if you treat the people right, then you will get the desired results especially in the business. The other aspect to understand about leadership is that no matter how big your ambitions in life are, it should not let you get distracted from excelling in achieving your current goal.
Much focus is required on the present situations more than the future of the company. Day to day results have to be delivered in the workplace. Also being likeable will help in performing the role of a leader in the job. It is not hard to state in a few words what successful leaders’ do that makes them effective. But it is much harder to tease out the components that determine their success (Hersey, 2001). The usual method is to provide adequate recognition of each worker’s function so that he can foresee the satisfaction of some major interest or motive of his in the carrying out of the group enterprise.
Crude forms of leadership depend mainly on single sources of satisfaction such as monetary rewards or the alleviation of fears about various kinds of insecurity. When the leader succeeds, it will be because he has learned two basic lessons: Men are complex, and men are different. Human beings respond not only to the traditional carrot and stick used by the driver of a donkey. Also they can useit for ambition, patriotism, love of the good and the beautiful, boredom, self-doubt, and many more dimensions and patterns of thought and feeling that make them men. But the strength and importance of these interests are not the same for every worker and neither is the degree to which theycan be satisfied in his job.
Therefore, Leadership involves managing, coordinating and supervising, taking responsibility for people; directing, organizing and motivating them (Abbasialiya, 2010). A good leader will use a variety of styles of leadership according to the situation whereas bad leaders tend to fall in to just one style. Also to be a good and efficient leader, many other factors are required such as to be able to direct and motivate others in the right way, take the entire responsibility for the actions and direction of a team, set aims and goals for the company, constantly keep organizing and motivating the employees, as a leader take up the initiative to face any kind of challenges and to persevere when things do not work out the way we want it to, take failures and frustration in a more positive manner, accept the responsibility for any mistakes or wrong decisions done and also be very flexible in order to adapt to the goals in the light of the changing situations of the organization.

However, positive thought and positive talk are very important in the functioning and thinking for a leader. A leader must learn to face all types of competition, abilities of oneself and the abilities of the team only then can you begin to win and to raise the quality of your team’s work to a higher level. Hence, positive thought will help you visualize successes and increase your chance of success. To project that same confidence in your own abilities and the abilities of your group, however, you must also engage in positive talk.
