
  本篇代筆費用-澳大利亞郵政講了根據APC法案的要求,澳大利亞郵政董事會有9名董事。杜立石等人(2000)認爲,董事會認可了三個委員會:人力資源委員會、薪酬與提名委員會和風險與審計委員會。根據對澳大利亞郵政局業績的評估,可以得出結論,它們需要經驗和技能。澳大利亞郵政認爲,董事是獨立的,因爲他的興趣,職位,協會,關係和能力作出決定。本篇代筆費用文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Review of Existing Literature

  Based on ASX Principle 2: structure the board to add value

  There are 9 directors in the board of Australia Post as per the APC Act requirements. According to Du Plessis, et al. (2000) the board recognized 3 committees –HR committee, remuneration & nomination Committee and Risk & Audit Committee. On the basis of the assessment of performance of Australia Post board, it can be concluded that they have required experience and skills. Australia Post considers director to be independent for his interest, position, association, relationship and capacity to make decisions.

  Based on ASX Principle 3: act ethically and responsibly

  Australia Post conducts business as a good corporate citizen and in compliance with all relevant codes, laws, regulations, corporate policies and procedures. The cultural pillars of Australia Post are customer focus, safety, accountability and the speed of action (Haque and Deegan, 2010). All representatives of Australia Post act in ethical way and it builds brand image of Australia Post. It ensures the requirements of competition and consumer act 2010 by comprising comprehensive competition and consumer law training for employees. The National Privacy Compliance program of Australia Post is maintained by its Chief Privacy officer. Security group of Australia Post is an internal service function which provides security and crime risk.

  Based on ASX Principle 4: Safeguard integrity in corporate reporting

  The risk and audit committee’s contribution in board is providing review report related to finance, internal audit, risk management and whether the company is following the laws and regulations. The internal audit service of Australia Post brings a disciplined and systematic approach to control and governance processes. There are principles related external auditors for their independent audit.

  Based on ASX Principle 5: make timely and balanced disclosure

  Australia Post discloses details of its performance, expenditure and other important issues to its shareholder ministers. It is done formally through quarterly progress report, annual report and websites updates.

