



代写被抓 :社交媒体是造成人们暴力的罪魁祸首吗?


代写被抓 :社交媒体是造成人们暴力的罪魁祸首吗?

Cyber space is a place which can be shared. Since the world has many kinds of people, the people who take only positivity from social media and people who would rather become negative elements of the society exist. Anything posted on the social media travels far and wide and can reach either kind of people which might trigger something violent in the same. Though the internet promotes healthy habits of using the social media, one cannot stop such influences and trigger.

代写被抓 :社交媒体是造成人们暴力的罪魁祸首吗?

Therefore in conclusion to the part where one seeks to find whether the social media is responsible in creating violence in people in general or not, the answer is almost positive . One might argue at this point saying that it is not the social media that asks the people to turn violent, but the same thing posted online might have different effects on different people. This can be rebutted, saying the posts that stream on the social media regarding communal violence. Other posts related to sexism and racism and other means of deterioration of one class by the other. This directly provokes sects of people and communities is a directly example of how social media causes violence. Thus, till an extent the social media is responsible for creating violence in people.