

另一个关于使用社会化媒体的社会资本和战略规划重要的问题是关于社会责任。我们需要找到的社交媒体通信是否被破坏了真正的沟通与否。与此相反,以一对一的物理通信,在社交媒体通信解决了大的质量,而不区分它们在他们的背景和年龄组。非适当的战略沟通活动也可能会导致不良的观众和结果。尽管前进沿着战略传播的路径是不是真的,有时人们寻求适当注意从观众淡化行了? “任何脚麻创建一个混乱和伤害需要很长的时间来愈合,因为一旦在互联网上,仍然有很长一段时间,不能轻易抹去了用户的头脑”(Safko,2010年,第67页)。那么,谁应该承担起来的责任的损害,专业人士或机构作为一个整体?而如果伤害不只是金钱,但有社会效应。那么它不仍然是一个单纯的错误。它成为一个社会灾难。而平台是敏感的,我们正在努力寻找与否的用户实际收听到整个议程的组织正试图把了,而他们正在搭建了战略沟通的努力。


Another important question about using the social media for social capital and strategic planning is about the social responsibility. We need to find whether the social media communication is sabotaging the real communication or not. In contrast to one-to-one physical communication, communication over the social media addresses a large mass without distinguishing them over their backgrounds and age groups. Non appropriate strategic communication campaigns might also lead to undesirable audience and results. While moving forward along the path of strategic communications isn’t it sometimes true that people play down the line for seeking proper attention from the audience? “Anything going wrong creates a chaos and the damage takes a long time to heal as once on the Internet, remains there for a long time and cannot be erased easily out of minds of the users” (Safko, 2010, pp. 67). So who should be held up responsible for the damage, the professionals or the organization as a whole? And what if the damage is not only monetary but has social effects. Then it does not remain a mere error. It becomes a social disaster. While the platform is sensitive and we are trying to find whether or not the users are actually listening to the whole agenda as the organizations are trying to put up while they areputting up efforts for strategic communication.
