代写dissertation 人口出生率



low birth rate. Denoting the situations of the smoothening of public programs, the fringe curtailment benefits by companies, and the enhancement of individual responsibility, a good interface between private arrangements and public systems is impossible (Fukawa, 2005). On social security even if the burden is lowered down, reduced social security must be finished by individual efforts. In Japan there is a developing tension between those interested in assuring proper social solidarity degree and those interested in acquiring fair return on their own contributions of social security and several Japanese people are doubtful about the effectiveness and fairness of the system. Moreover, it is always said that social expenditure of Japanese people is biased overly towards the elderly. However, the survivor’s benefits and Japanese old age are not importantly high compared to those advantages in other developed countries. The focus on social solidarity issue versus self-help has shown higher theme of public debate about the limitations and role of social security system. It is somewhat clear that in Japan there is no broad consensus on the role of state in helping families. For more than 3 decades with below exchange birth rates there is no emphasis of policy on lowering down the childcare costs such as public provision of childcare, child/family allowances and leave for neither infant/family nor help for mothers as they try to reestablish childcare and employment. There are several causes that may describe the decline of birth rate (Letablier, 2008):

