
According to Cooper & Schindler (2006) by talking to people about their lives we learn many personal issues (p. 129). Sometimes they give us intimate information about other people. They must be very careful research documents containing names or other personal information. Only the research team should have access to research papers. The information disclosed in the context of a professional or research must be kept confidential. Researchers subject confides of private information must not be the case without the informed consent of subjects for this purpose (Cooper & Schindler 2006, p. 130). Breaches of confidentiality may undermine the trust relationship between researcher and subject, other people or groups, or the reputation of the research community. The Privacy applies to information obtained directly from subjects or from other researchers or organizations required by law to protect the confidentiality of personal records. In this regard, researchers interested in better design and conduct their work may find it useful to adopt a perspective focusing on the issues when assessing the nature and purpose of their projects or the possibility that they invade interest sensitive (Cooper & Schindler 2006, p. 131)..


据库柏&迅达(2006)通过向人们谈论他们的生活我们学到许多个人问题(129页)。有时,他们给了我们对他人的私人信息。他们必须非常小心的研究文献包含名称或其他个人信息。只有研究团队需要访问的研究论文。信息披露在一个专业或研究中必须保密。研究人员透露私人信息的主体必须不知情同意的受试者为这个目的是这样(库珀迅达2006,p. 130)。违反保密规定的可能破坏研究员和主体之间的信任关系,其他人或团体,或研究团体的声誉。隐私权适用于直接从受试者或其他人员或组织依法保护个人的机密记录获得的信息。在这方面,研究人员在设计更感兴趣,进行他们的工作可以采取的视角关注在评估的性质和他们的项目,他们入侵利率敏感的可能性的目的(库珀迅达2006,p. 131)..
