


a) Action: A goal is a prerequisite for action e.g. business processes define or carry out a project, merge departments or companies merge, management coaching, team development run). After the sub-goals and tasks are formulated, concrete action is formed. This should be done by the operation staff of Telstra. Different members should have different responsibility in this step.
b) Observation: The optimization of the action is the goal of observation. To improve the action it must be observed, thus eliminating differences between target and clear. Derived from this is not only the next action steps, but in particular the change of the (possibly previously stated) planned activities. This step should be done by the management staff and the project managers of the change management project plan.
Reflection: The observation itself should be checked in this step. Only when the observation of a person aligns with the observation of others, the person may determine the extent to which observations match or differ. However, there is a significant risk of a match as a right to misinterpret. The temptation is particularly given, if the person (consciously or non-consciously) for the recognition or acknowledgment. In addition, an agreement by two observations is not confirmed that the observed action was reasonable (Young-HoonKwak, 2005).a) The agreement must therefore be examined with regard to the achievement of objectives. It serves an approximation to the defined target and there is a deviation from it, or there is no relevant effect that in order for the examination of the observations. In addition, consideration should be given continuously if the originally stated purpose is still valid, or whether a fundamental change to the target through the information generated is necessary. The process of change itself becomes the object of change. The contents of the change into the background are important. The management of change should provide an iterative feedback process using the information generated from the above three learning and reflection stages (Lewis R. Ireland, 2006).




