


Outside the corporate world many non-profit organizations use marketing techniques. Ultimately, a precise definition or delimitation appears the marketing concept for the business administration not necessary unless there is a fundamental consensus on the most important tasks in the marketing literature and practice (Holbrook, 1995).
The introduction of modern marketing concept has been accompanied by changes in the markets, away from the seller’s market, in the set by the seller largely due to the lack of goods and services prices and conditions, to a buyer’s market, where the variety of competitions and more customers choosing possible, whether they accept the offer at all (Hatton, 2000). Manfred Bruhn describes the different stages of marketing, i.e. Product orientation in the 1950s (pure production, due to huge demand in the postwar period), Sales orientation in the 1960s (from production to distribution), Market orientation in the 1970s (market segmentation, specialization on individual needs), Competitive approach in the 1980s (emphasis on unique features), Environment orientation in the 1990s (in response to environmental, political, technological or social changes), Dialogue orientation from 2000 (interactive design of communication through the Internet, e-mails), Network orientation from 2010 (Web 2.0, social networking, word of mouth). According to Jean-Paul Thommen and Ann-Kristin Achleitner, the steps of marketing include Production orientation, Sales Orientation, Market orientation, Environmental orientation, Customer Relationship Management.




现代市场营销观念的引进一直伴随着市场的变化,从卖方市场,在由卖方主要是由于缺乏商品和服务的价格和条件,为买方市场,在各种比赛和更多的客户选择的可能,他们是否接受报盘所有的(哈顿,2000)。曼弗雷德布鲁恩介绍市场营销的不同阶段,即产品定位在50年代(纯粹的生产,由于在战后时期,巨大的需求),在上世纪60年代销售方向(从生产到销售),在上世纪70年代的市场定位(市场细分,专业化对个人的需要),在上世纪80年代的竞争法(独特的特点重点),在上世纪90年代环境导向(反应环境,政治,技术和社会的变化,从对话的方向(2000)通过互联网,电子邮件通信交互设计),从2010网络定位(Web 2,社交网络,口碑)。根据保罗托门和Ann克里斯廷阿赫莱特纳,营销的步骤包括产品定位,市场定位,销售方向,环境导向,客户关系管理。