

并不是说只有资格证书才能带来最好的人才,而是资格证书有助于建立一个基础,在这个基础上可以进行进一步的培训和提高可以培养(Tsui, 2014)。在讨论的案例中,这是缺失的,这是由客人的消极需求所暗示的。在当今世界,管理者需要有文化意识的知识来承认差异,并以同样的方式来处理它。酒店管理人员还需要具备认知能力,应该重视文化差异,并从这种差异中获得协同效应。为了在劳动力中保持这种认知和能力要素,制定以高等教育为基础的资格标准是至关重要的(Tsui, 2014)。

此外,职业发展对于酒店行业的员工激励是至关重要的。顾客的负需求意味着他们的需求没有得到满足。同样,这也意味着该行业劳动力的低效率,进而说明了他们对工作的消极态度。员工的进步取决于个人的定位、教育、特征、个人需求和经验多样性(Alessandro and Lorenzo, 2014)。以高等教育为基础的资格水平也可以培养同样的人才。这可能会对政府产生负面影响,比如公众对变革的抵制。然而,让他们承认相同的差异,并在酒店课程中灌输相似的价值观,将会提高那些申请酒店行业的动机。这是因为只有那些拥有成功劳动力所需技能的人才会被吸引(Nira和Alizia, 2012)。


代写价格 :酒店管理政策的影响

It is not true that only qualification brings in the best in people but qualification helps in setting the general foundation over which further training can take place and improvement can foster (Tsui, 2014). In the case under discussion, this is missing which is implied by the negative demand of the guests. In today’s world, managers require having knowledge of cultural awareness to acknowledge the difference and tackle it as per the same. Managers also need in the hospitality sector to have cognitive competence, should value the culture differences and gain synergies from this difference. To maintain such cognitive and competence elements in the workforce, setting a policy for tertiary education based qualification standards is essential (Tsui, 2014).
Furthermore, progress in a career is essential for workforce motivation in the hospitality sector. The negative demand of customer implies their needs are not met. In the same manner, it also implies the inefficiency of workforces in the industry in turn illustrating their demotivation to work. The workforce is satisfied when they progress which depends upon individual orientation, education, characteristics, personal requirements and experience diversity (Alessandro and Lorenzo, 2014). A tertiary education based qualification level allows for the same to foster. This can be a negative influence on the government as well such as the resistance to change from the public at large. However making them acknowledge the same difference and inculcating similar values in hospitality curriculum will grow motivation of those applying for the hospitality sector. This is because only those will be attracted who have the skills needed to make a successful workforce (Nira and Alizia, 2012).
The government through this change needs to ensure that it does not take the right away from the people who are already employed in the sector but do not meet the required qualification standards.
