

  本篇代写论文讲了使用弗里曼蒂尔登的关键原则的解释,用你自己的话,解释的意义四(4)下面的原则以及如何将它们应用在你的工作场所(如导游)。Explain的意思是你必须把你的答案写在一段话里,并解释所有的原则。简短的答案和要点将不被您的评审人员接受。本篇代写论文文章由英国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Using Freeman Tilden’s key principles of interpretation, in your own words, explain the meaning of four (4) of the following principles and how you apply them in your workplace(As a tour guide)。

  Explain means you must write your answers in a paragraph and explain the principles in full. Short answers and bullet points will not be accepted by your assessor.

  Interpretation should relate to something within the personality or experience of the visitor.

  When a particular group of audience visit the particular place there will be initial introduction made. During this time, the place from which the tourists have arrived and their backgrounds will be asked. Based on this there can be explanations made about the various destinations. In case the audiences are people who are seeking to learn about history, the people can be taken to the historical destinations.

  Interpretation is revelation based on information.

  The benefit of New Zealand unique situation is that there are a number of activities that can entice the tourists. It is an eclectic cosmopolitan culture that has something for everyone in the population. There is a large animal husbandry within the country. There is more than 60% of the production of the dairy products for the world that is developed from this nation.

  Apart from this there is the unique Maori culture that has its own traditions and cultures. These places enable the people to gain unique perspective of the various lifestyles of the people across the spectrum.

  c) Interpretation is an art and therefore teachable.

  In cases where the tourists are interested in learning about the beaches, there is the unique Muriwai beach. From this beach the vineyards are visible. These vineyards have a temperate climate where there is plenty of rain and sunshine.

  There are some seasonal birds such as the Gannet who visits the area. The eggs are hatched in spring and the bird flies to Australia during Autumn. The birds are found to live on the west coast at a distance of 2000 kilometres. The west coast has abundant varieties of sea food that are speciality in this region.

  The sand is found to be dark in colours this is a features that develops based on the iron ore content found in the sand.
