

本篇文章主要讲述的是政治与经济的关系,就寿命而言,经济增长会提高更强大的政治竞争者出现的可能性,从而削弱严厉政府的政治生存能力。到目前为止,许多西方政策制定者和决策专家都认为,政治自由化本质上是跟踪金融改善的速度,只是略有放缓,专制政府对此几乎无能为力。,唐斯,g.w。,2005)。本篇代写论文文章由英国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In terms of longevity, economic growth can debilitate the political survival of severe governments by raising the likelihood that more powerful political contenders will emerge. Till now, numerous Western policy makers and decision experts have assumed that political liberalization essentially tracks the rate of financial improvement with just a slight slack, and that there is little that autocratic governments can do to stop it (Mesquita, D. D., and Downs, G. W., 2005).
According to the Seymour Martin Lipset (1959), an eminent humanitarian and political researcher, despite the fact this process of financial changes and development had worked in Western Europe, and the success there relied on extremely specific arrangement of boundaries and circumstances, yet the same cannot be ensured for the late developing nations, as there exists many differences in the constitution of political institutions and it is highly doubtful that there exists any successful strategic coordination between autocrats and the government in such nations.In every democratic or non-democratic framework, there exists a third group of individuals immediate to those of elites and the mass citizens, and this group is simple termed as the “middle class”.
A long running tradition in society, speculates this middle class as, the bourgeoisie – making it a key factor in the processes that can ultimately lead to democracy (Moore, B.Jr., 1966). Some authors suggests that communities with strong middle class would become democratic. In contrast, communities where the elites are in power, they enter into a mutual agreement with the mediocre and dictatorship is born. is Samuel Huntington in his work “Political Order in Changing Societies” suggests the key role of the middle class in diminishing the conflicts and consequences that make a democratic framework unstable. He argues that though economic development promises the growth of middle class, democracy becomes difficult to achieve in such situations of concentrated inequalities where a majority confronts a small, wealthy oligarchy (Huntington, S. P., 1968).Unlike Britain or other developed nations, in some of the developing nations, there is also a presence of partial democracy – a circumstance in which just a constrained fragment of society takes an interest in voting (Chen, J., 2013) This fragment commonly incorporates the elites and the middle class (or white collar class), while the poor are excluded because of light wages or literacy confinements on voting.
