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代写personal statement

Emile Durkheim thought that the division of labor has deviated from its natural sources. He suggested that alternative conditions are in some way pathological. He described capitalism as a threat and identified three major flaws which were 1) Anomie 2) Inequality 3) Inadequate Organization.  Anomie could be the absence of rules which is responsible to govern the relations between various social actors resulting in pathological conditions. The rule systems were poorly defined and were responsible for the industrial and commercial crises and were causing a great many labor-capital conflicts. Unchecked expansions and unregulated actors had resulted in over regulation of jobs. Durkheim pinpointed that these flaws of capitalism would result in systemic solidarity. Mechanical and Organic were identified as the two major types of social integration. Mechanical refers to the integration of the shared beliefs and sentiments while the organic refers to the integration from the consequences of interdependence and specialization. In societies where work is highly differentiated solidarity arise from the consequences of mutual dependence while where there is little differentiation the integration is based on common beliefs. The difference between the two types has revealed how modern societies are different from the traditional ones and how the level of solidarity changes with the increase in the complexity of the society. Societies of mechanical solidarity are usually small and are based on kind associations and relationships. Durkheim introduced a term “Common Conscience” which referred to the social relations that are regulated by the common beliefs that are shared within the society. However if these shared beliefs are violated that will be taken as a direct threat to the shared identity and the reactions would be harsh.



代写personal statement
