




The inclination of the Baroque vocal music can be felt from the Baroque art and literature. The most famous and known characteristics of the art of this time was the sense of movement, energy and tension. The specialty of the music of this era was the basso continuo. This means that a bass line was trailed by a continuo player over which a figure was written in order to tell that which note should be added to bring the harmony.
The interest of the Baroque music brought new sound ideals in this music Farrell, 2008). It got contrast as the element of drama. There were so many factors which played a significant role in the baroque compositions. The various factors were like soft and loud music, solo and joint, instruments and planks. Now even the composers became specific and they used to tell the performers that on which instrument they need to play the music. There was a time when this decision was taken by the performers. The instruments like trumpet and violin were becoming prevalent.
The other important characteristic is melody. Initially a single piece of music consists of only one melody but with the gradual change in the taste of audiences now several melodies are played simultaneously (Elliott, 2006) There was more focus on the power performer and the orator of the music. The operas are the best example for this where a single performer performs with all the possible ranges of his voice low, mid and high.