


My visit to the doctor changed my lifestyle completely. I would now have to be extra careful about everything I consumed. Out of frustration, I picked up a KitKat to eat and then picked up another but realized that I could not eat five as I used to. I will now have to eat only one and that too with my broccoli and an apple! It was going to be one tough life.
I am a food lover but my mother had given me directives that I could only eat fruits and vegetables, something I used to get away from. No butter, sugar or fat on beef, chicken skin or lobster. All delicious things were off the list now. Out of desperation, I asked whether I could have cheese. And she very sternly me shunned me that I could only eat things with zero percent saturated fat and zero percent cholesterol. I would now eat only two egg yolks in a week only and had to exercise a lot. My lifestyle also changed in a way that I would have self manage myself to eat 3 meals a day and small snacks in between. Before finding out about this, there was no time for proper meals, I would survive on fast food only. But now I had to be careful that I have three meals each day and make protein a part of it.
I found out what I could eat but I did not even know what a serving portion was. The Canadian Diabetic Association (diabetes.ca), in their meal planning and diet section to prevent and manage diabetes provided a handy portion guide which I now followed.
On my first day, I had Greek yogurt Parfait for lunch and two sugar-free biscuits (yuck) as a snack. Later, for dinner had something that I had never had before, brown rice, green lentils and low-fat cheddar cheese. Cheese was always something I used to take with macaronis or with pizza but this was going to be a loss indefinable. I didn’t know how I would ever go out to eat in a restaurant now. What will happen to my weekends out with friends?






