
  本篇代做論文-Philips曲線模型讲了在對這一因素進行討論之後,作者嘗試利用Philips曲線模型來估計其貢獻。作者對模型進行了簡要的討論,並說明了如何利用同一模型對某些因素進行相對估計。該模型試圖在失業率的幫助下解釋整體工資增長。通過這個模型,作者試圖用失業率來解釋整體工資增長。他發現,最近工資增長的下降可能與一些解釋變量有關。作者解釋說,根據這一理論,有幾個因素導致了近年來工資的下降。這包括最近議價能力的轉變、公共部門協議中工資的降低、失業率的整體上升以及工資靈活性的提高。該模型估計了與WPI增長相關的結果。本篇代做論文文章文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  After the discussion of the factor the author has tried to estimate the contributions with the help of the Philips curve model. The author has discussed the model in brief and has explained that how the same model can be used for doing the relative estimation of some of the factors. The model has tried to explain the overall wage growth with the help of the unemployment rate. Through this model the author has tried to explain the overall wage growth by using the unemployment rate. He found that most of the recent decline in the wage growth can be related to some of the explanatory variables. The author explains that as per the theory, there are several factors which contribute to the decline of the wages in the recent time. This includes the recent shift in the bargaining power, lower outcomes of the wage for the public sector agreement, the overall rise which is observed in the rate of unemployment and the increase in the flexibility of wages. The model has estimated the results related to the WPI Growth.

  Thus in the article, the author has tried to explain the factors which has contributed to the wage declination in Australia. A number of factors such as unemployment and lower trade can be identified as important factor. In the end the author has also specified that the wage growth may be expected to be lower in the coming year.


  The author has explained the different factors which have contributed to the wage growth. He has also studied the Philips models for giving weight to the explanation. The research has been carried out by the author in an exceptional way to explain the low wage growth in Australia.

