essay 代寫-海平面上升的影響


  本篇essay 代寫-海平面上升的影響講了導致災難的每一件事,無論是自然的還是人爲的,都會對經濟產生影響。新月海灘地區水位的上升也對經濟產生了影響。新月海灘地區是一個旅遊勝地。但是因爲同樣的原因,旅遊業也會受到影響。沿海社區受到威脅(道格拉斯和布魯斯1991)。本篇essay 代寫文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  There are a number of dykes in the area surrounding the crescent beach in the present times. It is because of the presence of dykes located in crescent beach. In addition to this the dikes are also the pathways for the large number of traverses and water front. These dykes had been created in the past to enable the sub division but now they are harming the crescent beach area.

  Economic Impact

  Each and every thing which leads to the mishap be it natural or man-made has an impact on the economy. Rise in the water levels in the crescent beach area is also having an impact on the economy. The area of crescent beach is a tourist destination. But because of the same, the tourism will also be impacted. There was a threat to the coastal communities (Douglas and Bruce 1991).

  The crescent beach also has an economic value. This may also include the recreational value and the provision of the economic diversity. These values may be lost because of the rise of sea levels (Taylor et al. 1998).

  Because of the fact that a large number of community has been relying on the beaches, the rise of the sea level due to erosion has economically impacted the local area. There is an impact on the overall spending and also on the tax revenues in the communities (Barnett 1984). After the occurrence of a flood or a storm, there is an adaptation cost involved for the armoring of the shoreline and nourishment of the beaches.
