






The general impact of the trickle-down economics is seen in the consumer goods. The product is expensive where only the rich people in the society can afford. Over time, it is expected that the price will fall and become inexpensive and cause the general public to gain access to the consumer durables. In the case of the economy, there will be a lower tax burden for the rich and cause them to increase the investment. The business produces more and increase employment. This also causes increase in work pay.


It is estimated that this would result in increase in the economy and there will be overall growth. This was the original idea of the economic rule. However, during the actual implementation, the richer segments in the society did not increase the pay or the worker benefit. In fact, this lead to the people being exploited and the worker wages to remain stagnant with increase in inflation. This leads to the issues of the income inequality. The issues of trickle-down economics, company gain and the concentration of the income based on government policy are the reason for income divide in the system. To address this issue, the change in the organization is needed.