




Range of the Salary 35,000 dollars per month to 65,000 dollars per month: For Experts. For the part time workers, the salary can range from 10,000 Australian Dollars per month to 15,000 Australian Dollars. Additional Conditions It becomes extremely important for considering one significant condition that is being punctual and behaving in an ethical manner. The graduate shall be expected to visit the office in accordance with the hours of work Comments It can be seen that within this job profile, the employees do not stay for more than the duration of two years With the increase in the level of competition within the field of businesses for the entry of interns, there has been an increase in the need for having additional diplomas and certificates. This particular certificate 4 in business can be considered as a significantly important certificate for the success of the interns within the environment of business. One can grow with respect to personality and salary while working within this field for a long duration with a number of different points of learning and providing experience as well. In addition to this, as per the files of the company, it can be seen that within this job profile, the employees do not stay for more than the duration of two years. “The camera’s rendering of reality must always hide more than it discloses” is Sontag’s argument for the viewer. The statement offers much potential in investigating a photographic image and the relevancy of communication based on context. This essay in analyzing the aesthetic and semantic effects of a photograph in the fashion culture, places the critical argument that Sontag’s quote has relevance even in contemporary times. Sontag’s claim is supported in this essay. Can photographs mask or reflect reality? The photographic image may suggest to the viewer a representation that could be real or could be a myth. Consider the below photograph taken by Vivian Sassen for the Carven F/W 2013 advertisement.