计算机论文代写 自然观察



Different psychologists have had different definitions of psychology. On one hand Wundt focused on senses, feelings and thoughts while John Watson called it the science of observable behavior. Now psychology is a blend of the two and is the science of behavior and mental processes.

Science consists of testable and proven theories. To make a theory useful a hypothesis is necessary to give the research direction. It defines what possible results will be and what generalizations are to be made depending on the results. There are various methods of conducting research which include the case study approach, surveys and naturalistic observation. Case studies focus on a single case and analyze it in detail. Although they provide detailed information but the issue with case studies id that their results cannot be generalized. Surveys look at many cases but in relatively less depth.

Naturalistic Observation is a type of field study that is a non experimental approach whereby, the sample/ participants are observed in their real life setting. The researcher does not directly interfere with the activities of the participants and records everything observed in a detailed manner. Such studies are useful in the fields of anthropology, behavioral biology and ecology where manipulation of variables is not required and behavior is mainly observed. Examples of such studies are documentaries that capture the life cycle of organisms. Although they do not include analysis and use of statistical means but they do help in unleashing undiscovered phenomena and behavior.

In anthropology, researchers live in remote tribes and record their behaviors, customs, traditions, habits and beliefs. Although watching them without their consent is unethical but it helps answer many questions (Martyn Shuttleworth, 2009). Another example is an anthropologist observing wild gorillas or a researcher sitting in a fast food restaurant and observing the different eating patterns of men and women.




