加拿大代写论文 12-10



The importance of the group and the role of consensus in shaping attitudes is the fifth key, which is often contrasted with the individualistic ethos of the US consumer. As a result, advertising agencies operating in China report the success of strategies that focus on cluster marketing rather than broad cross-country campaigns. Chinese society has extensive networks of personal relationships often summarized under the term Guanxi. Within a given group, gift giving takes place that reflects the giver’s respect towards the recipient’s status and his/her ability to promote the giver’s role within the group. The cost of such gifts can often be high relative to the giver’s income. Advertisers report significant success with strategies that focus on the display of status in the social group (for example, branded mobile phones).

There is the role of risk. Despite the importance of the group and the role of consensus, there is evidence of a high level of risk taking in Chinese society. Gambling is prevalent and there is a high degree of willingness to consume new products. Yet advertisers operating in China also report the importance that products project protective qualities. Single child is a population control policy of China. Generations from 80s to now, child mostly lives in a single child family. A child is loved by his or her parents and two grandparents. Not as the western society, Chinese people are described as living for next generation. Finally, national pride remains strong and has a major influence on consumer marketing strategies. An example, the biggest dairy products supplier in China: a key component of Mengniu Dairy’s successful marketing strategy is its use of an ‘astronaut’ campaign after China sent its first astronaut into space. Its products are also endorsed by China’s equivalent of NASA.


