

The mean return of all the three stocks has been negative in the period of 52 days. Also, the return of benchmark index ASX 200 is also negative in past one year. QAN is highly negative due to recession hit airline industry. WBC in terms of mean return had outperformed the benchmark index. This is due to the growth in banking industry in Australia. Similarly the standard deviation and variance shows WBC is the lowest risky stock among all the three securities. The market for regional banking and brokerage services is significantly competitive as it allows consumers to access financial products and compare interest rates and services from numerous financial institutions. Customers in this sector are always sensitive to competitive interest rate levels and services. Therefore, banks need to lure clients away from competitor banks by offering lower financing, preferred rates and investment services. Success in this sector lies in offering both the best and fastest services, but this also causes banks to experience a lower ROA. Hence, the company has to compete effectively for deposit, loan, and other clients in its markets in order to maintain its market share and growth. WBC primarily competes with larger financial institutions with greater financial resources, lending limits and larger office networks as well as a broader range of products and services. WBC in order to maintain its profit levels and remain in business must control its operating costs as well as credit and funding costs. Apart from this, rapid technological changes in the banking sector have also increased the level of competition with the introductions of new technology-driven products and services. The effective use of technology increases efficiency and enables financial institutions to reduce costs and has also made it possible for non-financial institutions to offer products and services that have traditionally been offered by financial institutions, thereby increasing the competition further. Since WBC competes with larger financial institutions with greater resources, it faces the threat as the peers would be in a better position to invest their resources for technological advancement and gaining an edge over others in terms of better products and services.


所有的三股的平均回报在52天内被否定。同时,ASX 200基准指数收益在过去一年的还是负的。前高度负由于经济衰退打击的航空业。白细胞的平均回报率已超过基准指数。这是由于澳大利亚银行业的增长。同样的标准偏差和方差显示白细胞最低风险的股票证券之间的所有三。区域性银行和经纪服务市场是因为它允许消费者访问金融产品和比较从众多金融机构的利率和服务明显的竞争。在这一领域的客户总是有竞争力的利率水平和服务敏感。因此,银行需要吸引客户远离竞争对手银行通过提供更低的融资,首选率和投资服务。在这一领域的成功在于提供最好最快的服务,但这也使得银行经历了一个较低的资产收益率。因此,公司拥有有效的竞争,存款,贷款,并在其市场上的其他客户,以保持其市场份额和增长。白细胞主要是与更大的金融机构有更大的财务资源竞争,限制贷款和更大的办公网络,以及一个更广泛的产品和服务。白细胞为了维持其利润水平,仍在营业,必须控制其经营成本以及信贷和资金成本。除此之外,在银行业技术的快速变化也增加随着新技术驱动的产品和服务介绍竞争水平。技术效率提高的有效使用,使金融机构降低成本,也使得非金融机构提供的产品和服务,传统上是由金融机构提供,从而增加竞争进一步。由于白细胞的竞争对手更大的金融机构有更大的资源,其面临的威胁作为同行的人能更好地投入资源的技术进步和获得比别人更好的产品和服务方面的优势。
