


柯尔特最早的动力因素来自于他的童年。11岁时,他是一名契约仆役,也上过学。罗伯特富尔顿的文章和枪的力量是一个早期的激励因素,小马。柯尔特想要创造一种可以发射多重射击的武器(Houze, Cooper, &Kornhauser, 2006)。15岁时,当柯尔特在马萨诸塞州的陶器厂工作时,人们发现他能接触到各种材料来取乐。

英国健康与安全论文代写 :柯尔特最早的动力因素

1830年的印度之行让他意识到与枪支发展相关的机械方面的细微差别。胡椒盒左轮手枪是他发明的最早的型号之一。1832年,柯尔特与父亲一起工作时,了解了一氧化二氮的作用机理。他甚至试图教人们一氧化二氮的好处和左轮手枪的使用。他从各种工作中攒钱,开始制造这把枪。亨利·埃尔斯沃斯借钱给柯尔特,随后在1835年发明了左轮手枪(Houze, Cooper, &Kornhauser, 2006)。手枪的专利是在1835年申请的。

英国健康与安全论文代写 :柯尔特最早的动力因素

The earliest motivational factors for Colt were attributed to his childhood. At age 11 he was an indentured servant who also attended schools. The articles of Robert Fulton and the power of the gun was an early motivating factor for Colt. Colt wanted to create a weapon that would be used to fire multiple shots (Houze, Cooper, &Kornhauser, 2006). At age 15, when Colt was working in the Ware Massachusetts he was found to gain access to materials to make fun.

英国健康与安全论文代写 :柯尔特最早的动力因素

His trip to India in 1830 made him aware of the nuances of the mechanical aspects related to the development of Gun. Pepper box revolver was one of the earliest models that he developed. In 1832, while working with his father Colt understood the working mechanism of Nitrous oxide. He even tried to teach people about the benefits of nitrous oxide and the use of revolver. He saved money from various jobs and started to create the gun. Henry Ellsworth loaned the money to Colt and he subsequently developed the revolver in 1835 (Houze, Cooper, &Kornhauser, 2006). The patent for the revolver was sought in 1835.