

实力增强,资本充足率 在2004年,国家已注资450亿美元的支持建设银行和中国银行的股份制改革和上市,以增强中国银行的实力,摆脱历史包袱,降低不良贷款。 2004年8月26日,中国银行股份有限公司正式挂牌成立。六月1和7月5日,中国银行成功在上海证券交易所和香港联合交易所上市,成为第一家A + H发行证券的国有银行。中国工商银行在上海证券交易所上市CBC在2005年10月相比,2006年10月27日在香港联合交易所上市,并回归内地A股市场9月25日,中国银行,CBC,2007.ICBC一切都变了为国家控制的银行真正实现商业化运作。同时,还引入了境外战略投资者在中国和吸收国外资金和先进的技术。经过数年的中国金融业改革,银行不良贷款率下降,产量逐年上升,资本充足率显着高于前和效率提高显着。中小型股份制银行自成立以来,如没有历史包袱,国有控股银行的优势和治理完善,造成了很大的成就,在最近十年。中小型股份制银行显着优于建行的资本,资产收益率和不良贷款率的回报。但是,仅仅因为大小的限制有国内的市场份额小,他们已经开始尝试开发海外市场与资本的增加和扩展,如民生银行收购了4.9%的股本的联合银行控股Inc.in 2008中国银行的实力得到了增强,也有资本去通过一系列的改革和发展。目前,中国银行已加快步伐走出国门,掀起了一波的海外M&A在一般接入其他银行的情况下。
三,获得的经验和分散风险。 随着中国金融业起步较晚,经济转型是从计划到市场的过程中,中国银行业的发展还比较落后,与外资银行的差距仍然很大,无论技术,设备和劳动。在世界银行的排名,前银行是外资银行的资产收益率或指数排名,对外资银行的各种金融参数均显着优于中国银行。在全球金融危机爆发后,外资银行的利润下降导致混合操作,但外资银行的竞争力仍然是比中国的银行,导致其不争的先进技术,经营策略和优秀的金融人才。建立海外分行相比,M&A允许银行拥有原有优势的外资银行,在保留了原有的操作系统和高端金融人才的情况下,从国外进入该国。虽然发生在混业经营的一个重大损失,因为金融危机的影响,许多学者提出质疑,混合操作的,发展混合操作作为全球金融业的整体趋势将不会停止的金融危机。此外,海外M&A能也将地理上分散的系统性风险。例如,一个大的雪灾和地震发生在中国,在2008年,几十年来没有见过。这不仅对当地经济造成了巨大的损失,但也获得了巨大的障碍整体经济表现,即使是银行部门蒙受了巨大的损失。海外M&A可以分散风险,集中在一个区域,并导致更多的海外银行,更大的能力来分散风险。


Second, strength enhanced and capital adequacy In 2004, the state has injected $45 billion to CCB and Bank of China to support there joint-stock reform and listing, in order to enhance the strength of Chinese banks, to get rid of the historical burden and reduce bad loans. On August 26, 2004, Bank of China Ltd. was formally established. June 1and July 5, 2006,Bank of China has successfully listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange, becoming the first A+H issuance of securities state-owned banks. ICBC was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on October 27, 2006 compared with CBC in October 2005 listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange and return to the mainland A-share market on September 25, 2007.ICBC, Bank of China, CBC are all changed into state-controlled banks which is truly achieved commercial operation. Meanwhile, it also introduces foreign strategic investors in China and absorb foreign capital and advanced technology. After several years of Chinese financial industry reform, the banks bad loan ratio declined and yields rose year by year, the capital adequacy ratio was significantly higher than before, and efficiency increased significantly. Small and medium sized joint-stock banks has advantages over state-controlled banks since its inception, such as no historical burden, and governance perfect ,which has caused great achievements in recent yeas. Small and medium sized joint-stock banks are significantly better than CCB on return on capital, assets yield and performing loan ratio. But just because of the limited size made there domestic market share in small, and they have already begun to try to develop oversea market with capital increases and expansion, such as Minsheng Bank acquired 4.9% of the share capital of UCBH Holdings Inc.in 2008.The strength of Chinese banks has been enhanced and also have the capital to go out through a series of reforms and development. Currently, Chinese banks have accelerated the pace to go abroad and set off a wave of oversea M&A in the case of generally access of other banks.

Third, Gain experience and dispersing risk. As Chinese financial industry started late and the economy is in transition from a planned to a market process, the development of Chinese banking industry is still relatively backward, and the gap with foreign banks is still big no matter technology, equipment or labor. Among the World Bank ranking, Front banks are foreign banks according to the capital gains rate or index ranking, and various financial parameters of foreign banks were significantly better than the Chinese banks. After the outbreak of the global financial crisis, profits of foreign banks dropped significantly resulting in mixed operation, but the competitiveness of foreign banks is still better than the Chinese banks, cause its indisputable advanced technology, business strategy and excellent financial talent. Compared with the establishment of overseas branches, M&A allows banks to own the original advantages of foreign banks from abroad into the country in the case of retaining the original operating system and high-end financial professionals. Although a heavy loss was occurred on mixed operation because of the financial crisis, and many scholars questioned the mixed operation, the development of mixed operation as overall trend of global financial industry will not stop the financial crisis. In addition, oversea M&A can also be systemic risk that geographically dispersed. For example, a large snowstorm and earthquake occurred in China in 2008 that had not met for decades. These not only caused great losses to local economies, but also was a great obstacles overall economic performance, and even the banking sector suffered huge losses. Oversea M&A can spread the risk concentrated in one area, and of cause the more overseas banks, greater ability to spread risks.