


埃博拉出血热于1976年首次出现,当时中非的两个村庄同时暴发了两起疫情。受害者的性质是可怕的,这吸引了CDC和世卫组织将这种疾病列为高传染性疾病,并发布了最高级别的警报。这是因为埃博拉病毒能够在人与人之间传播。这种疾病具有高度传染性,甚至会通过接触、体液或分享被感染者接触过的物品来传播(Smith, 2009)。这使得埃博拉具有高度传染性,成为世卫组织和美国疾病控制与预防中心更为严重的健康问题。

课程代写 :埃博拉病毒的宣传教育


课程代写 :埃博拉病毒的宣传教育

Ebola haemorrhagic fever is made its first appearance in 1976 when two simultaneous outbreaks hit two villages in central Africa. The nature of the victims was horrific which attracted the CDC and WHO classified the disease as being highly infectious and alerts issued at the highest level. This is due to EBOLA being capable of spreading from one person to another. The disease is highly infectious and will spread even through touching, body fluids or sharing of items touched by an infected person (Smith, 2009). This makes EBOLA highly contagious and a more serious health concern for the WHO and CDC.

课程代写 :埃博拉病毒的宣传教育

It also has a hibernation period of 21 days that the virus replicates and multiples in the body before abruptly showing the signs and leaving the victim with little time to seek treatment. The danger comes within these 21 days since the infected person may have spread is unintentional to a large population. With improving transport systems, the Ebola virus can easily spread across vast areas in a very short period of time .However over the years the public has gradually begun overlooking the risks associated with the diseases. It is important for the nations to spend a time to educate the citizens regarding the diseases and discuss the risks associated with the diseases so as to limit the risk. Both diseases carry hinge dangers and can easily result in a large number of people losing their lives. It is also very important to distinguish the different risk associated with the disease to deliver better management or outbreak.