

  本篇利兹市论文代写-考古学讲了本文选择了两个对象进行讨论。第一个是宾夕法尼亚博物馆的Unguentariaum,目录号50-1-114。unguentaria的复数形式称为unguentaria。这基本上是一个小陶瓷或有时像玻璃瓶。考古学家在一些罗马和希腊的遗址上发现了这个。其中很多都是出土的,其中在宾夕法尼亚博物馆被讨论的一件是罗马时期的。选择讨论的第二个对象是石棺盖目录编号MS3488B。本篇利兹市论文代写文章由英国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Two objects are selected for discussion in this work. The first of it is the Unguentariaum, Catalog Number 50-1-114 in the Penn museum. The unguentarium is called the unguentaria in its plural form. This is basically a small ceramic or sometimes glass like bottle. Archeologists working on some of the Roman and Hellenistic sites have found this in the site. Many of these are excavated and the one in the Penn museum that is being discussed is from the Roman period. The second object that is selected for discussion is that of the Sarcophagus Lid catalogue number MS3488B

  Catalog Number 50-1-114

  The one in the Penn museum is seen to have a flared mouth bell style of a body. Its color is slightly greenish. The height of the object is approximately 10.9 cm. The object is from the second century as identified by archeologists (Fleming 60). The provenance of the object is the record of the history of the object. The provenance is defined as the place of origin. When the place of origin is unknown then it is the place of the earliest known use of the object, or the earlier recoded existence of the object. Now in the case of the Unguentarium, the provenance is unknown. This means that the earliest origin can at best be estimated, but a proper year cannot be tagged onto the object. The exact history of the object is missing, and details like who used it or to whom it was passed does not exist. The most common form of the Unguentariaum is used as a container for holding oil. This is a more suited form of the Unguentariaum as it was helpful in dispensing. Both liquid forms and powder forms are usually dispensed with the Unguentariaum. The Unguentariaum that is found in the Penn museum and discussed here might not actually be the oldest. Some of the older forms are actually available from the Christian era itself.

  From their existence in the earlier times, such as the early second century, the Unguentariaum was made of glass materials. This Unguentariaum in specific has a shape that differentiates it from the most others. Some of the other materials that were used in the making of the Unguentariaum are of silver or alabaster. Unguentariaum were not just used in Rome. The material usage, the form and shape suggests that its use was in fact distributed over many places. It was used from Mediterranean regions to that of Israel, Spain and even Britain.
