

本篇文章主要讲述的是人口老龄化的影响,然而,有一些因素使提高退休年龄变得困难。对一个人的地位、健康状况和生活水平的主观评估,可能会使这种增长具有挑战性。劳埃德-夏洛克(Lloyd-Sherlock)等人(2012)认为,老年人很难实现主动老龄化的理想,因为随着年龄的增长,个体的健康状况可能会下降,这意味着老年人很容易患上疾病。本篇伦敦论文代写文章由英国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

However, there are some factors that make it difficult to increase the retirement age. The subjective assessments of a person about their status, health condition and standard of living, could make this increase challenging. According to Lloyd-Sherlock et al (2012), it could be difficult to implement ideals of active ageing among the elderly, because individuals’ health could decline with age, which means that it is likely to be easy to contract a disease at old age.
For example, individuals with poor health working in physically demanding jobs beyond normal retirement ages could discourage them to continue working due to health status (Gahill, Giandrea, and Quinn, 2015). In addition, this would propel the older population to change the lifestyle such as reducing the leisure time. The older workers require less physically intensive jobs, and reduced working hours which may not be feasible for the employers (Gahill, Giandrea, and Quinn, 2015).
There are some issues that the older workers can face at the workplace. For example, stereotyped perception about the older people underperforming can limit the chance of gaining employment after the normal retirement age (Lloyd-Sherlock, et al, 2012). Older people who continue working after the normal retirement age could lead to low efficiency and declined production, which discourages the employers to consider them for employment. Another limitation for older population is that their skills may not match with the advanced technology. However, the experience of older workers cannot be ignored (Gahill, Giandrea, and Quinn, 2015).
The increased retirement age may reduce job opportunities for younger population, thus increasing unemployment ratio, which provides a compelling argument against the retirement age increase. This situation is based on two conditions, including that elderly and young people’s jobs are substitutable and the number of jobs is fixed (Gahill, Giandrea, and Quinn, 2015). Therefore, most developed countries encourage old workers to retire early in order to reduce unemployment rate and improve economic environment for younger workers (Gruber, Milligan, & Wise, 2010). This seemingly logical argument looks logical, has flawed rationale that the number of jobs are fixed as new jobs keep on emerging. Besides, there is no substitute for the old and young people in employment; on the contrary, there is a certain complementarity (Gruber, et al, 2010).
