

近50 ~ 60年来,关于银行信贷风险和流动性风险的研究文献十分丰富。解释银行倾向于如何表现,以及回报来源和主要风险由两大研究链提供(Acharya et al., 2014)。这是在银行宏观经济理论的考虑下,即经典的金融中介理论和产业组织对银行的研究。金融中介的观点认为,银行是池中的流动性,为借款人和存款人提供了现成的案例。这进一步提高了经济的福利,使经济的流动性风险内在化(Brunnermeier, 2009)。产业组织理论认为银行是寡头垄断存贷款市场利润最大化的价格接受者,而存款需求面临着向上倾斜的趋势。同时,在利率上升的情况下,贷款面临着向下倾斜的需求。在考虑资产方面,银行关注的是贷款利率产生的收益,而在考虑负债方面,银行则倾向于通过存款利率来面对成本。

论文抄袭 :银行信贷风险和流动性风险的研究

了解银行业信贷风险与流动性风险之间的关系变得至关重要。经典的宏观经济理论支持了银行信贷风险和流动性风险之间存在密切联系的观点(ejsing&lemke, 2011)。Stein(2002)和Wagner(2007)等过去的几位研究人员认为,银行的负债与资产结构之间存在着密切的联系,特别是考虑到借款人的资金提取与违约。这不仅适用于银行的资产负债表业务,而且也适用于像Pauzner(2005)和Yorulmazer (2010) (Haldane & May, 2011)所规定的按非平衡项进行融资和放贷业务。这对银行的稳定性还有进一步的影响。Mora(2013)、Gatev(2009)和Metrick(2011)等研究考虑了几种不同的理论和实践视角来得出结果,以描述信用风险和流动性风险对其他方面的影响。他们进一步评估了这种相互作用如何对银行的稳定性产生重大影响。

论文抄袭 :银行信贷风险和流动性风险的研究

Almost since the last 50 to 60 years, literature has been in abundance for dealing with the credit risks and liquidity risks of banks. Explaining the way in which banks tend to perform, along with the return sources and major risks are provided by two major strands of research (Acharya et al., 2014). This was under the consideration of macroeconomic theories in banking, namely, the classic theory of financial intermediation, and approach of industrial organization to banking. The view of financial intermediation considers banks as liquidity in pools, for providing both, borrowers and depositors with the readily available case. This further enhanced the welfare of economy and internalized the liquidity risk of economy (Brunnermeier, 2009). The approach of industrial organization has considered banks as the price takers of profit maximizing in oligopoly deposit and loan markets, while upward sloping demand is faced for deposits. Also, demand in downward slope is faced for loans under the increased rates of interest. When considering the asset side, banks focus on the generation of returns by rates of loan interest, and considering the liabilities side, banks hold the tendency of facing costs by interest rates of deposit.

论文抄袭 :银行信贷风险和流动性风险的研究

It becomes crucial to understand the relationship between credit risk and liquidity risk in the banking sector. The classic macroeconomic theories have supported the perception that there is a close link between credit risk and liquidity risk in banking (Ejsing& Lemke, 2011). It has been suggested by several past researchers such as Stein (2002) and Wagner (2007) that there is a close connection between liability and asset structures of the bank, specifically considering the withdrawals of fund and defaults of borrower. This is not just apt for the balance sheet business of banks but also to conduct funding and lending business by items of off- balance, as provided by Pauzner (2005) and Yorulmazer (2010) (Haldane & May, 2011). There are further implications for the stability of bank. A number of research such as Mora (2013), Gatev (2009) and Metrick(2011) have considered several different theoretical and some practical perspectives for deriving results to depict the impact of credit risk and liquidity risk on the others. They further evaluated how such an interaction has a significant impact on the stability of bank.
