論文 代筆-紐柯鋼鐵的戰略定位


  本篇論文 代筆-紐柯鋼鐵的戰略定位講了紐柯鋼鐵公司已從破產中擺脫出來,成爲市場領導者。這是由於公司的意識形態發生了根本變化。通過對公司的分析,我們發現公司非常重視員工。鋼的質量,也就是最終交貨的質量是好的。爲了增加銷售和在新興市場建立業務,已經建立了許多合資企業。公司重視無形資產的籌集。精益管理實踐和變革的流體模型使公司得以發展。得出公司戰略定位導致公司從破產走向成長的結論。本篇論文 代筆文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  VMOST Analysis

  Strategic orientation of Nucor Steel

  Nucor steel has emerged from bankruptcy to market leader. This is due to fundamental change in ideology of the company. From analysis of the company it has been found that the company gives a lot of importance for its employees. The quality of steel i.e. the final deliverable is good. There are a number of joint ventures that has been undertaken in order to increase sales and establish in emerging markets. There is importance given to raising intangible assets of the company. Lean management practices and transformational fluid model has enabled the company to develop. To conclude strategic orientation of the company has lead to the growth of the company from bankruptcy.

  Brand Positioning

  According to the latest year report Nucor has emerged as a market leader. The brand has been associated with high quality price of steel. The company has positioned itself as a niche brand among the consumer base.

  SWOT Analysis

  Strength: It has the technology to produce high quality steel from scrap metal. Due to this factor there is a strong brand image for the company in the markets. Current management practices of the company are considered to be lean management. Owing to the fact that the companies are a very enormous company it has a good bargaining power.

  Weakness: Diversification of the products is limited in the company. There is still high dependence on the US domestic markets. There is a strong need for the company to sell products across more markets.

  Opportunity: Company needs to focus on the emerging countries across the world. The company can form more joint ventures with nuclear power in order to optimize the resources.

  Threat: Oil price volatility affects the process. The company depends on raw materials. There is a need to reduce dependence on oil for its production. A number of new entrants are also entering the markets. It needs to address the issue.

  To summarize SWOT analysis it has been found that Nucor Steel has a number of positive factors. Nevertheless there is needed to form strategic alliances with nuclear companies. There is a need to find new production method in order to address the oil volatility process. Nucor steel should find more ways to optimize resources.
