
这一概念的关系是人类一样古老,这已根据人体生长。当佛陀说,“健康是最大的礼物,知足是最大的财富,诚实最好的关系”。该元素的儿童是非常关键的繁荣和强度的关系表明了约翰云在他的文章中的时代杂志(1,2008)关于迈克尔分手后7.5年被连同他的同性恋伴侣因为他们有猫但没有孩子,是一个分化因子对同性婚姻。此外,作为人类我们的价值系统缺乏普遍性和可逆性作为反对康德的绝对命令。我们的道德观念和道德标准和别人完全不同的看法时,同样的情况也适用于我们。因此,当那些接近我们选择有同性恋关系的立场是完全不同的,而不是我们鼓励他人。 如果我的父母要来了壁橱,想进入同性恋关系,我不觉得我的父母一样。主要的原因是,他们的基本权利和选择至少要花费其余他们的生活。此外,这不会改变我对我的亲生父母的感情和行为。它必须记住,布莱克说关于同性恋:“反对同性恋不能证明侵犯房屋,心中的公民选择过自己的生活方式” 此外,人权的概念是解释进一步阐明我的观点。


The notion of relationships is as old as mankind and this has been the basis of human growth. And as Buddha said, “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship”. The element of children is extremely crucial for the prosperity and strength of a relationship as indicated by John Cloud in his article in The Times Magazine (Jan, 2008) regarding Michael who broke up after 7.5 years of being together with his gay partner because they ‘had cats but no kids’ that is a differentiating factor of homosexual marriages.
Moreover, as humans our value systems lack universality and reversibility as opposed to Kant’s Categorical Imperative. We have perceptions of moral standards and ethics for others and completely different views when the same situation applies to us. Therefore, when those close to us choose to be in homosexual relationships our stance is completely different as opposed to our encouragement for others.
If any one of my parent would come out the closet and want to get into homosexual relationship I would not feel differently about my parent. The major reason is that of their fundamental right to speech and choosing at least who they want to spend the rest of their lives with. Moreover, this would not change my feelings and behavior towards my biological parents. It is imperative to keep in mind what Harry A. Blackmun said regarding homosexuality:
“Disapproval of homosexuality cannot justify invading the houses, hearts and minds of citizens who choose to live their lives differently”

Also, the concept of rights is explained further to shed light on my opinion.
