


自上个四分之一世纪以来,传播、操纵和制作图像方面的技术突飞猛进,改变了与广告、娱乐和新闻有关的做法,也改变了整个视觉环境。在当前这个涉及无处不在的信息的新闻时代,从来没有成功地拥有如此好的信息,因为在任何地方和任何时间都有在线可用性(Sanders 2009)。随着媒体环境和技术的重大变化,新闻新闻业在界定公众利益时所面临的最紧迫的困境之一就是对其本质的质疑。这不仅涉及到对新闻媒体未来变化的感知,而且涉及到民主的实践。其中涉及的重要概念是,传统上,新闻作为当今发展和问题的焦点(查德威克,2013年)发挥着重要的作用。然而,由于一些原因,传统的新闻往往面临着失败,在充分安排故事,使人们充分理解相同。一个重要的原因是技术的重大发展。除此之外,类似的,传统媒体在信息流动方面一直是高度单向的,从记者向公众传播。被动受众模式限制了公众对公共事务和新闻的参与。

“新技术可能会改变新闻生产和新闻产出,但我们没有理由期望新技术的影响会在所有新闻提供者中是一致的。相反,我们可能会发现有不同的影响,取决于不同的技术应用,而这些应用反过来又取决于行政人员和任何政治监管者的目标和判断”(Ursell, 2001;178)。

数字革命已经到来,在线——基于社交网络的增加,互联网发展和新的媒体出现,帮助重塑媒体的景观和一直在2011年的新闻,这样它超出了任何人的想象范围(查德威克2013)。从大规模的欺骗到数字润饰,媒体世界正受到一些前所未有的专业挑战的困扰。这不仅是因为不同媒体的崛起,还因为整个劳动力市场的新鲜活力。每天,都有新的工具和设备在指数级增长的范围内添加,导致机会和选择过剩,而这些还没有得到观众和记者的认可(Curran et al. 2012)。这些与媒体有关的新领域有助于丰富信息资源和新闻,并在传统环境下重塑被认为是新闻机构、广播机构和印刷媒体的领域。挑战在于充分优化数字媒体和互联网的潜力,同时不损害公民自由。由于数字技术的发展,新闻领域发生了革命性的变化,整个社会媒体的功能和性质发生了根本性的变化。

论文代写被抓 :数字技术对新闻媒体的影响

Since the period of last quarter century, dramatic advancement of technology within the dissemination, manipulation and production of images have been transforming the practices related to advertising, entertainment and journalism, along with the overall visual environment. In the current era of news involving ubiquitous information has never been successful in having it so good, as there is availability of online everywhere and anytime(Sanders 2009). With major changes in the environment of media along with the technology, there is an interrogation of the nature perceived by news journalism as being among the most urgent dilemma faced in defining the interest of public today. There is an involvement of serious implications not just perceiving the future changes of news media, but also regarding democracy being practiced. The significant notion involved is the traditionally, there has been major effectiveness of journalism to shine as a spotlight of the developments and the issues of the day(Chadwick 2013). However, for a number of reasons, traditional journalism has often faced failure in placing stories sufficiently such that there is full understanding of the same. One significant reason is the major development of technology. In addition to this, the analogue, traditional media has been highly one- way in the flow of information, moving across the public from the journalists. The model of passive audience has restricted the engagement or involvement of the public within public affairs and journalism.
“The new technologies make possible changes in news production and news outputs, but there is no reason to expect that the impact of the new technologies will be uniform across all news providers. Rather we might expect to find that there are differing impacts, contingent upon different technological applications which in turn are contingent upon the goals and judgments of executive personnel and any political regulators” (Ursell, 2001; 178).
As digital revolution has arrived, with the increase of online- based social networks, internet being evolved and new sources of media being emerged, have helped in reshaping the landscape of media and have been making the press of the year 2011 such that it is beyond the scope of anyone’s imagination(Chadwick 2013). From the deception of wholesale to digital retouching, the world of media is being beset by a number of professional challenges that are unprecedented. Not only due to the rise of different media, but also due to the fresh dynamics across work force. On daily basis, there is an addition of new tools and devices are added within the exponential level of growth, causing opportunities and choices being in excess that has not yet been acknowledged by the audience and the journalists(Curran et al. 2012). These frontiers related to media have helped in enriching information resources and news and reshaping what was perceived as the realm of news agencies, broadcasters and print press in the traditional setting. The challenge is involved in fully optimizing the potential of digital media and internet without the civil liberties being compromised. There has been charting of revolutionary changes due to digital technologies in the field of journalism, and there has been a fundamental alteration in the function and nature of media across the society.