
  本篇論文代寫-大衛·霍克尼的畫展講了大衛·霍克尼是一位靈巧的藝術家,他爲藝術界貢獻了許多傑作。爲了紀念他的創作,泰特美術館舉辦了畫展。泰特美術館展出了這位藝術家的一些主要作品。這是基於60年不同時期的藝術收藏。霍克尼繼續改變他的風格和思想。人們正在接受觀察到的新技術。在公衆面前有許多藝術家和約克郡風景的肖像和圖像。這次展覽是向這位藝術家的作品致敬。本篇論文代寫文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  David Hockney is a dexterous artist who has contributed many masterpieces to the artistic community. For the purpose of commemorating his creations, the Tate exhibition was organized. The Tate exhibition showcases some of the major works of the artist. This is based on the art collection across six different decades. Hockney continues to change his style and ideology. There is embracing of the newer technology that is observed. There are many portraits and images of the artists and the Yorkshire landscapes that are seen in the public. This exhibition is a tribute to the works of the artist.

  In this analysis, there will be detailed discussion of the works of the artist and his contributions to the art community based on the Tate exhibition.

  Review of the exhibition

  David Hockney, the painter, artist, designs maker and photographer from England, is nearing his eightieth birthday and for the purpose of commemorating his contributions to British art and design, the Tate exhibition was organized. The Tate exhibition was more of a gathering of an extensive selection of David Hockney’s most famous works celebrating his achievements in painting, drawing, print, photography and video across six decades. It was more of an event honouring him, rather than just a simple exhibit. Hockney is considered to be “Britain’s greatest living painter”. There is an underlying narrative of the artistic beauty that surrounds the place. There are many traditional disciplines that are infused with technology. This is epitomized in the works of Hockney. There is a commanding respect by the artist based on his portrayal of the events.

