

  本篇論文代寫-對國際足聯的調查講了國際足聯內部的賄賂、欺詐等問題可以通過考慮道德和倫理在體育中的作用來進行更詳細的討論。體育運動本身一直被認爲是一種需要內在動力的活動。然而,隨着國際和專業運動員和運動員目前受到的持續曝光和全球關注,體育參與也成爲滿足某些外部目的的關鍵。本篇論文代寫文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  The issue of bribery, fraud and others within FIFA as such can be discussed more at length by considering how morality and ethics in sports play their respective roles. Sports in itself, has been considered as an activity, involvement in which requires an internal motivation. However, with the continuous exposure and the amount of global attention that international and professional athletes and sportspersons receive at present, involvement of sports has also become crucial to meet certain external ends as well (Fortunato, 2017). Hence, elite sports require at the moment certain guidelines and procedures within which they might be performed. The major external ends that facilitate the involvement in sports including Football include prestige, money and status, and certainly within the stakes being higher at each of the tournaments with every passing year, the urge to meet these external ends has been noted to increase (McFarland, 2015).

  The ethics and morality dimension in organisational theories indicate the maintenance of ethical and moral behaviour projected in the actions of the organisational members. Certainly, the need to gain more money, prestige and a higher status influence some of the elite sportspersons to behave in a certain way. Recent investigations on FIFA revealed this fact and what worked for it is the fact that football or any other sports can have unpredictable outcomes (Pielke, 2013). As such, multiple syndicates work with these organisations like FIFA to gain huge share of profits by being able to tamper with the outcomes.

  With above aspect of unpredictable outcomes, what is also critical to sports including Football is the sportspersons’ strive to win. In other words, one is supposed to play to win. As such, to change the outcomes of a match deliberately for money questions the integrity of the sport (Moore, 2017). While all the media attention has been laid on the role of FIFA and its lack in governance structures, it needs to be noted as well that organisations such as FIFA are not corporations. Rather, these types of organisations have grown and evolved over the years through the help of volunteers who perhaps tried to maintain and regulate how integrity of the particular sport can be maintained. Hence, the recent allegations do indicate possible problems about the integrity of the sport and how it would be viewed in the future posing questions about its sustainability.
