論文 代寫-關於危機中的溝通的討論


本篇文章講的是關於危機中的溝通的討論,這篇論文將批判性地討論為什麼在危機中溝通必須以一種批判和有效的方式來處理。溝通或缺乏溝通可能會導致宇航員變得更加恐慌,也可能會讓地勤人員更少地負責此次任務。其次,本文將討論在混亂的情況下,領導如何有助於激勵員工。地勤人員收到了很多信息。本篇論文 代寫文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。
The paper will critically discuss why communication has to be handled in a critical and efficient way during a crisis. Communication or the lack of it could lead the astronauts to become more panicked and also could leave the ground crew less in charge of the mission. Secondly , the paper will discuss how the leadership was helpful in motivating employees in a situation of chaos. The ground crew was receiving much information.
Since events were happening in real time and with so much information being collected, it could have led to a lot of confusion easily. However, the levelheaded nature of the leader helped calm down the crew and enabled them to work better. Finally, the concept of bricolage as used in the NASA crises and how it was helpful in bringing the astronauts home safely will be discussed. The paper will base its discussions on existing secondary research literature. The paper will focus on the aspect of communication in the whole paper. Communication in the context of the crises, communication of the leader, successful communication (transfer of information) from the people in the spacecraft and also the ground crew and more will be discussed.
The focus will thus be maintained because this paper attempts to show how communication should be in a project in the context of a disaster. An interesting element from Apollo 13 is how communication need not be hindered by proximity. It is not always necessary for a project to be conducted within the same premises, region, country or even the planet as the Apollo 13 space mission shows. Communication is critical and the basic pros and necessities for good communication stay the same everywhere. Despite the problems of distance and the panic state in which the crises took place, Apollo 13 and its ground crew were able to complete the mission adequately because of efficient communication.