

  本篇論文代寫行情——花旗銀行人力資源戰略講了員工參與對組織的發展和可持續性至關重要。它直接關係到組織中人力資源部門的能力。本研究選擇的公司是花旗銀行。評估了這家銀行爲吸引員工和長期留住人才而採取的人力資源戰略。除了評估外,我們亦會提供適當的措施/建議,以提高員工的參與程度。每一項舉措都要評估其是否恰當以及對花旗銀行員工的影響。本篇論文代寫行情文章由英國第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Employee engagement in an organization is crucial for its development and sustainability. It is directly associated with the ability of HR department in the organization. The chosen firm for this study is Citi Bank. The HR strategy followed by this bank to engage the employees and retain talent on a longer run is assessed. In addition to the assessment, suitable initiatives/ recommendations are offered to enhance the employee engagement. Every initiative is also evaluated for appropriateness and impact on the employees of Citi Bank.

  Overview of Citi Bank

  Citi Bank is found to be the consumer division of Citigroup which is a multinational offering financial service. The major services of this bank are provision of mortgages, lines of credit, credit cards and loan offerings (personal and commercial) (Citibank, 2011). Started in New York, it has established branches throughout the world. With 2649 branches spread across 19 countries, it is renowned as the world’s largest network offering financial services. The presence of Citi Bank is predominantly located in North America, Latin America, Middle East, Europe, Africa and Asia.

  There are three segments of CitiGroup that includes Citicorp, corporate and Citi holdings. The vision of Citi Bank is to emerge as leader in the field of business process management to aid its customers. On the other hand, its mission is to be known as a highly respected global company in financial services. It also concentrates on the delivery of growth and profits to its shareholders with equal importance. The success of Citi Bank lays in the customer satisfaction and state of the art services. There are over 2000 offices located around the world. In the year 2016, the number of employees was estimated at 219,000 with an asset level of US$1.792 trillion.
