

领导力和追随力之间存在着重要的联系。关于领导理论的讨论越来越多。然而,追随力是一个同样重要的因素,在组织的功能中起着非常重要的作用(Tyson, 2014)。其次是士气低落,客户不满意,成本高,产品质量问题。跟随者的理论主要有以下几个方面。


论文代写靠谱吗 :公司领导的追随者理论



模范追随者是那些经常采取主动和冒险去解决问题的人。他们是独立和积极的人。他们为人民提供建设性的批评,他们也依赖于领导人为他们提供资源和援助。模范追随者是公司最好的追随者。公司试图雇佣这类人,他们被认为是组织成长的理想员工。这是一个组织中的四种主要类型的人。然而,还有另一群人是务实的追随者。如果没有提到这些公司的员工,对这些人的分类是不完整的。他们被发现存在于公司中。务实的追随者被认为是公司的幸存者(Stredwick, 2013)。它们往往是这些属性的混合体。

论文代写靠谱吗 :公司领导的追随者理论

There is an important link that exists between the leadership and followership. There are more discussions about the leadership theory. However, followership is an equally important factor that matters a lot in the function of the organization (Tyson, 2014). Issues in the followership are seen in the bad morale, unsatisfied customers, high costs and the product quality issues . The theories of followership have been elucidated in the following.
Conformist Followers are considered to be the yes people of the company. They continue to be servile to the needs of the leader . They are very dependent and active to meet the leadership needs. They devote a lot of time to the leader and do not question or critically examine the leadership. They are unwavering in their support of the leader. They are very enthusiastic in addressing towards the needs of the leadership.

论文代写靠谱吗 :公司领导的追随者理论

Passive Follower is nicknamed the sheep of the company. They do what they are told and do not really question. They follow the lead of the others in the company. These people do not provide any real productivity towards the innovation of the company.
Alienated follower is the cynical groups of the company. They tend to be critical. They are independent people who lack any commitment. They do not share the vision of the company.
Exemplary followers are the people who often take the initiative and risks to resolve the problems. They are independent and active people . They provide constructive criticism for the people and they also depend on the leader to provide them with resources and aids. The exemplary followers are the best kind of followers for the company. The companies try to hire these kinds of people and are considered to be the ideal employees who foster towards the growth of the organization. These are the four major kinds of people in an organization . However, there is another group of people who are the pragmatic followers. The classification of the followership would not be complete without the mention of these employees of the companies. They are found to exist in the companies. Pragmatic followers are the people who are identified as the survivors of the company (Stredwick, 2013). They tend to be a mixture of these attributes.
