


企業通過確保滿足消費者的需求來維持。針對這一業務和公司分析當前的市場趨勢,並制定強有力的實踐支持。在分析消費者需求的過程中,企業應該關註消費者的反饋(Brotherton, 2012)。對消費者反饋的分析使企業能夠滿足消費者的需求,開發買方實際需要的服務和交付物,客戶忠誠度,品牌資產,並確保公司的整體維持(Maxwell, Watson, and Quail 2004)。除此之外,消費者的反饋確保了過程的可靠性。它確定了關鍵的脆弱領域和改進方向。開發戰略業務模型並改變業務模型的方向,可以確保流程中涉及的所有涉眾都能從中受益。發現客戶在網站上的反饋;社交媒體和數字媒體工具在當今時代變得越來越重要。服務類別和員工與消費者的實際互動定義了公司的維系(Ye et al., 2014)。旅遊業和酒店業尤其如此。人們需要高質量的服務。質量被定義為滿足最終消費者需求的整體服務和可交付產品。

人們通常從不同的地理位置訪問酒店旅遊的地方。本質上,人們前往新的目的地也是為了獲得獨特的體驗,並形成深刻的記憶(Dickinger, and Lalicic, 2016.)。本分析的目的是確定高品質的服務提供給消費者在旅遊業的突出地位。


論文修改價錢 :企業滿足消費者需求的服務質量

Businesses sustain by ensuring that consumer needs are met. For this business and corporation analyse current market trends and develop robust practice for sustenance. In this process of analyzing consumer requirements businesses should concentrate on consumer feedback (Brotherton, 2012). Analysis of consumer feedback allows business to cater to the needs of the consumers, develop services and deliverables that are actually required by the purchaser, customer loyalty, brand equity and ensures overall sustenance of the company (Maxwell, Watson, and Quail 2004). Apart from this consumer feedback ensures an accountability of process. It identifies key vulnerable areas and points towards direction of improvement. Developing strategic business models and changing directions of the business models ensures that all the stakeholders involved in the process are benefitted. It has been found that customer feedback in websites; social media and digital media tools are gaining prominence in the current times. Service category and the actual interaction of the employees with the consumers define sustenance of the company (Ye et al., 2014). This has been esp. true for tourism and hospitality industry. People need to have high quality of service. Quality is defined as the holistic service and deliverable that satiates the needs of the end consumers.
People typically from different geographical locations visit Hotels for touring of the place. Essentially people travel to new destinations also for the unique experiences and to form poignant memories (Dickinger, and Lalicic, 2016.). Purpose of this analysis is to ascertain the prominence of high quality of service provided to the consumers in the Tourism industry.
It has been established that actual service quality rendered and the perception of service quality rendered are important factor. In the modern times, online tools and website reviews bring in more tourists to the location. It is imperative to ensure that there are good reviews maintained for sustenance of a hotel. This viewpoint has been bolstered by personal experience and review of literature. SERQUAL model allows people to identify the gaps in services and allows people to rectify. Whenever management rectifies and reaches consumer satisfaction it has been found that more brand equity is gained in the process.