論文 代寫 費用:活動人員職責分配

論文 代寫 費用:活動人員職責分配
你自己(作為公關顧問):這項職責可以有效地通過策劃“聖巴特無家可歸一天”的宣傳來實施。除此之外,其他職責還包括準備新聞稿和製作宣傳活動的簡報。此外,活動和宣傳活動的新聞發布會將被分配(Austin, 2015)。客戶:客戶的責任是確保他給組織提供適當的資金,以幫助無家可歸的人。客戶也應該履行他們所承諾的一切。雇主:雇主的職責是確保他們以完全有效和真實的方式完成被雇傭的工作。職業:以有效的晉升方式開展職業。公關部的主要職責是確保適當的新聞稿得以保留,應有適當的媒體監督、採訪的管理、危機的管理、向媒體提供未公開來源的資料。公關機構需要以一種有效的方式宣布這些事件,這些事件可以用一種適當的方式進行教育(Theaker, 2013)。

論文 代寫 費用:活動人員職責分配

緊張:確保所有的公關過程都能有效地進行。除此之外,我們還需要確保新聞發布應該有效地進行,並且越來越多的人應該以這種方式了解這個組織。必須處理的倫理問題:在每一個行動中,重要的是解決一些重要的倫理問題。這對於確保以一種成功的方式而不存在任何問題是很重要的。以下是這次活動的道德問題清單:提供真實的信息:重要的是要確保在“St Barts無家可歸一天”的公關活動中提供的信息是真實的。為了讓人們支持組織並獲得更好的信譽,志願者可能會給人們錯誤的信息。除此之外,視頻中的信息應該是真實和正確的。視頻中不應該有任何錯誤信息,可能會影響到組織。通過實施這一方案,該組織永遠不會出現錯誤的眼光(Paller, 2014)。

論文 代寫 費用:活動人員職責分配

Yourself (as PR actioner): The duties can be applied by planning the publicity of the ‘St Bart’s Homelessness for a Day” in an effective manner. In addition to this, the other duties include the preparations of the press release and the making of the presentation for the campaign. Further, the press conferences for the events and promotional activities are to be assigned (Austin, 2015).Client: The duty of the client is to ensure that he gives the proper funding which has been given to the organization so as to help the homeless people. Also, the clients should fulfil whatever is promised by them. Employer: The duties of the employer is to ensure that they perform the task which is employed to them in a completely effective and authentic manner. Profession: The profession should be carried out in such a manner that there is an effective promotion. The main duty of the PR agency is to ensure that proper press releases should be maintained, there should be a proper media monitoring, management of the interviews, management of the crises, providing of the information to the media with undisclosed sources. The PR agency needs to announce the events in an effective manner, which can be used to educate in a proper manner (Theaker, 2013).

論文 代寫 費用:活動人員職責分配
Tension for yourself: To make sure that all the PR Processes should be carried out effectively. In addition to this, one needs to ensure that press release should be carried out effectively and that in such a manner more and more people should get to know about the organization. Ethical Issues which must be taken care of:In each and every initiative, it is important to address some of the important ethical issues. This is important to ensure that the initiative can be compiled in a successful manner without any issues. Here is the list of ethical issues in the campaign:Providing the truthful information: It is important to ensure that the information delivered in the PR campaign of ‘St Barts Homelessness for a day” should be true. To engage the people to support in the organization and to get a better credit, the volunteer may give the wrong information to the people. In addition to this in the video, the information should be true and correct. There shouldn’t be any wrong information in the video which may later impact the organization. By the implementation of this, there will never be a wrong eye for the organization (Paller, 2014).
