


在这幅画中,一个女人正笔直地坐在椅子上,有一个轻微的侧向角度。面对观众的是她的脸和胸部。这幅图描绘了一个金字塔图像,用来描绘一个坐着的圣母(Kontsevich et al., 2008)。受试者的左臂以舒适的姿势坐在椅子扶手上。手臂形成一个轻微保护的位置,在观看者和被摄者之间创造出一种遥远的感觉。主体背景中的景观提供了一个不明确的消失点的空中透视。这提供了一个必要的深度,即使细节描述了左右之间不平衡的清晰(Kontsevich et al., 2008)。这种不平衡进一步增加了画面的超现实气氛。

这幅画给人的普遍印象是宁静,它通过一种明确的神秘感得到丰富。这种宁静是柔和自然的色彩搭配的结果,舒缓的“sfumato”的调性,以及通过模特(金字塔形姿势)和窗帘(朴素)(Kontsevich et al., 2008)的姿势发展而来的和谐。这一神秘的感觉还来自于各种因素的影响,包括她的外貌,直接指向观众的右面,略显不真实的品质(他们看起来好像属于另一个人),而手和她那半笑的微笑,创造了谜一样(Kontsevich et al., 2008)。


In this portrait, a woman is sitting in an upright way on a chair with a slight side way angle. Towards the viewer is her face and chest. This depicts a pyramid image utilized for depicting a Madonna in sitting position (Kontsevich et al., 2008). The subject’s left arm is sitting in a comfortable manner over the chair’s armrest. The arms form a position of slight protection creating a distant sense between the one viewing and the subject. The landscape in the background of the subject gives an aerial perspective with unclear point for vanishing. An essential depth is provided by this, even though the details depict an imbalanced clarity between right side and the left side (Kontsevich et al., 2008). Such an imbalance further adds towards the picture’s surreal atmosphere.

The common impression that the portrait creates is that of serenity which gets enriched through a definite mystery sense. Such a serenity is the result of colour scheme of muted nature, the tonality of soothing “sfumato” along with the harmony which has been developed through the pose of sitter (pyramid shape pose) and the drapery (understated) (Kontsevich et al., 2008). The mysterious sense furthermore results from varied factors inclusive of her look which is directly directed at the viewer’s right, slightly unreal quality (they look as if they belong to some other person) and lifeless quality of the hands and her half smile that creates enigma (Kontsevich et al., 2008).