

为了增加这种模拟的相关性,人们可以考虑对一些不同的目的有不同的策略。第一个目的是集中管理的有关问题的时间和精力按时完成这个项目在时间框架集(Merwe 2012)。除此之外,必须集中精力管理团队的成员,以确保他们以显著的方式执行任务。
基于这个模拟,可以说,项目的管理可以涉及许多不同的事件是不确定的。然而,工作可以放在,为了确定这些事件提前为他们造成的风险的若干因素创造(Merwe 2012)。因此,可以得出结论,在项目上工作的管理人员和团队成员必须考虑着眼于项目的未来而不是当前的项目计划。一个项目可以成功基于这样的假设。


As a senior manager of a project at a small computer and electronics peripheral manufacturer, Delphi Printers and Peripherals, based in California, a task has been provided to assemble and direct a team for the designing of product for the development of an innovative and new printer for the consumer. Delphi seems to be having the intelligence that suggests that a competitor has been planning to launch a printer with similar capability and features in the duration of 6 months. By this fact, huge pressure is being placed on the team for the development of a printer with a new design that can be considered competent enough against the offering of the competitor. Different questions related to this simulation will be discussed in this paper.
Importance of the Simulation
For adding up to the relevance of this simulation, one can consider having a significant focus on a number of different strategies for certain different purposes. The first purpose is to focus on the management of issues related to time and effort for completing the project on time within the frame of time set (Merwe 2012). In addition to this, focus must be created on managing the members of the team in order to ensure they perform task in a significant manner.
Based on this simulation, it can be stated that management of project can involve a number of different events that are uncertain. However, efforts can be put in, in order to identify these events in advance as they result in the creation of several factors of risk (Merwe 2012). Therefore, it can be concluded that the managers and the members of the team working on the project must consider focusing on the future of the project rather than the present plans of the project. A project can be successful based on this assumption.
