


Generally in case of such natural disasters, the days following the incidence of the calamity, people have to suffer from a lot of problems like there might be power cut for several days or the water supply might not be working, and in some cases heavy lightning can also cause fires in many areas. In all these cases, one needs to be calm and patient and inform the concerned authorities to take over the situation. One should not panic as the psychological impact of natural disasters is perhaps the most devastating as the sight of mass destruction is not an easy one to digest. One should be sensible and assist the personnel who come to rescue or help the people who are affected. (American Red Cross)
Accidental disasters
These are the kinds of disasters which are not natural but are caused due to some accidents. Let us take the example of an accidental fire in the campus building. It could be caused by a short circuit or one might be doing something with fire and it accidentally lights up the surrounding area which leads to a disastrous situation. Fire spreads very easily and if there is any flammable material inside the room like for instance a gas stove or a bottle of perfume or kind of synthetic material, the fire will spread fast and might prove very dangerous if not controlled immediately.
Risks and Risk Management of accidental fires
When a building or an area within it catches fire, one must first of all be careful to stay away from it and pour water with force like that from a pipeline. If the fire is a small one it should get extinguished by pouring water for a sufficient time. However if it large enough, one must immediately inform the fire extinguishing officers to come and help them put off the fire. Also in case of a big fire, the building must be evacuated as soon as possible so that no one gets injured because of the fire. If possible all the windows must be opened for the smoke to go outside.






